Both SD Democrat Federal Candidates – Jay Williams & Paula Hawks – endorse a new state income tax.

I just caught Twitter, and noticed State Representative Lee Schoenbeck reminding us that the Dem’s new US Senate Candidate is for a state income tax.  And when I read that, the dim lightbulb over my head brightened by several orders of magnitude, as I recalled “Hey! What about Paula Hawks? She’s a big state income tax fan too!”

From Jay Williams…

Monday’s debate also touched on a number of other topics.

• Gilson, Moser and Hunhoff said they opposed implementing a state income tax and raising the gas tax. Williams said he favors raising the gas tax and remains open to the possibility of a state income tax.

Read that here.

And we can add his “Tax is not a dirty word” video, which I’m sure will be infamous for the entirety of his campaign..

“Instead of looking for spending cuts, we must look for ways to increase tax revenue. Look at yourself, if you have property, ask for property taxes to be raised. If you have income, lobby for a state income tax. If you buy lots of things, go for a sales tax.”

Read that here.

And let’s not forget about Paula Hawks‘ own advocacy for a new tax on the backs of South Dakotans:

Questioner: are you in favor of an income tax?  Hawks: “Um, yeah. If done properly… I think an income tax is fairly based.

Questioner: Do you see a downside to an income tax? Hawks: “It’s extremely unpopular. The unfortunate part of that is it’s unpopular because of a lack of understanding how that would affect people differently than taxes now.”

Read that here.

I can’t remember when we’ve ever before had two pro-state income tax Democrats topping the ticket for their Party. The Kool-aid drinking South Dakota Democrats must be proud with state income tax advocates Jay Williams & Paula Hawks at the top of the ticket.

Despite the fact they’re both going to lose miserably because of it.

6 thoughts on “Both SD Democrat Federal Candidates – Jay Williams & Paula Hawks – endorse a new state income tax.”

  1. We don’t need Democrats to rais taxes, increase spending, and create more government in SD.. Lee Schoenbeck and his liberal Chicago lawyer sidekick are doing just fine in passing 6 major tax and fee increases the last year and a half!

    What a disgrace to the GOP.

    1. Great idea! That exactly who Sourh Dakota needs back in the legislature! Someone get that big guy off his butt and back in the fight! Anybody know what he’s up to?

  2. Think they’ll fight to see who can say the more crazy, liberal things? I mean Hawks has proven to be a pretty hardcore liberal but it seems like Williams might take the cake in that department.

  3. All the representatives in congress have to do is put forth a law that says the states only get back from the Feds what they send in. That will take care of South Dakota just fine.

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