Congresswoman Kristi Noem sits down in Brookings with young families to discuss Tax Reform

Congresswoman Kristi Noem popped into Brookings today as part of her tour to discuss Tax Reform, specifically how the newly enacted tax reform package lowers individual tax rates, doubles the Child Tax Credit, and doubles the Standard Deduction, meaning the first $24,000 a family makes would be tax free.

It was an intimate group, and a good discussion on how tax reform is going to affect families, such as the expansion of the Child Tax Credit, and the increase of the standard deduction.

Noem indicated that in addition to tax relief for families, it’s heartening to see that larger companies who are seeing benefits to tax reform are reinvesting into expansion and increasing wages due to their reduced tax burden.

3 thoughts on “Congresswoman Kristi Noem sits down in Brookings with young families to discuss Tax Reform”

  1. Rep. Noem is a great communicator and an honorable person. I look forward to casting my vote for her in June.

  2. Rep. Noem is a great communicator and an honorable person. I look forward to casting my vote for her in June.

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