Dem State Party Chair second biggest backer for Sioux Falls City Council Candidate

In a report filed today, Democratic Sioux Falls City Council Candidate (NW District) Julian Beaudion has three big dollar donors (besides himself) in his year end report. And one of them is quite noticeable for his political activity.

Democrat State Party Chair Randy Seiler dove straight into this race with Beaudion’s second largest donation, sending a $500 check. Which was only surpassed by fellow Democrat (and Director for the Center for Diversity & Community) Laura Chandler’s donation of $1000.

Interestingly, in the last city election. Beaudion was tied closely to Democrat Sioux Falls Mayoral Candidate Jolene Loetscher, standing with her at one of her press conferences, and was cited as one of the authors of her plan to split the police department into police precincts. Beaudion was also rumored to be Loetscher’s choice for Police Chief had she won in the election.

With his close association with Loetscher, and big bucks coming in from Seiler, Beaudion’s candidacy looks to be Democrat’s partisan beachhead in the non-partisan Sioux Falls City Council race.

Municipal Candidate Committee_ Julian Beaudion_ Campaign Finance Disclosure Report_ Northwest District (NW)… by Pat Powers on Scribd

2 thoughts on “Dem State Party Chair second biggest backer for Sioux Falls City Council Candidate”

  1. Haha Seiler’s $500 is “big bucks” but Jensen got lots of “small donations” of thousands of dollars.

  2. Julian was introduced at his campaign kick-off by former Republican Lt. Gov Matt Michels, not exactly a Democrat partisan. It’s still very early for a race that won’t get more than several hundred votes.

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