Former Argus Editor saying Dems and Sutton blew announcement because it was too cowboy, and not enough Sioux Falls.

Now there’s fighting words if I’d ever read them. 

Former Argus Leader Editor Patrick Lalley who is trying to establish himself at KSOO is saying that Democrats and Billie Sutton blew Sutton’s announcement because it was too cowboy, and not enough Sioux Falls:

How did they mess it up so badly?


Billie Sutton could be a great candidate. He could be governor.

To do that he has to connect with the middle class households in the four to six counties surrounding Sioux Falls.


To be blunt, the Democrats introduced Billie Sutton to the state by putting him up on a barren stage in the middle West River ranch country.

They emphasized rural life, solid work ethic and calf roping. It’s a beautiful South Dakota scene that we like to romanticize.

But it doesn’t look forward.

Read it all here.

I’d probably argue that Dems are trying to recapture the people who’s values they abandoned a long time ago, and they are not going to convince anyone, even with a Democrat who takes a  conservative view on abortion. They can try, but Sutton has a voting record. 

But in the meantime, I’m happy to sit back and watch the fireworks on Lalley’s thesis.

12 thoughts on “Former Argus Editor saying Dems and Sutton blew announcement because it was too cowboy, and not enough Sioux Falls.”

  1. I disagree with Patrick on this one. Billie Sutton had probably the most authentic campaign announcements one could have. Why try to be someone you are not? Does that mean he could not serve the Sioux Falls metro area? Absolutely not! Basic people skills, grounded, relationship oriented and the ability to serve others with humility. Besides look at how beautiful the scenery is and here in South Dakota we are blessed to have a variety of that.

  2. Even Rhoden made an announcement stop in Sioux Falls. Shows the level of skill Susie Jones-Pranger brings to the table.

    I think the door is open for a primary opponent.

  3. Jonathan Ellis and Pat Lalley cover SD politics but other than sitting down with Thune’s advisors they never actually are plugged in. They get a very skewed view.

    Neither ever leave Sioux Falls.

    1. There is an annoying attitude from some in Sioux Falls that life in South Dakota is centered there so they feel they should get all athletic tournaments, conventions and the rest of the state is a void expanse lacking in civilization.

      1. Everybody hates the Sioux Falls elitist attitude that is killing the newspaper there.

  4. Can’t stop laughing. Lalley is no doubt the dumbest politico in state history. No doubt. And, because of his idiocy, his legacy employees don’t stand up to interns 20 years ago. You see Dana’s attempt at analysis this morning. Not bad for high school.

    Hint for the politico wannabes in the press- Start with the math and it will chart the course.

  5. Well, the only dumber politico than Patrick Lalley in South Dakota is Troy Jones.

    Unless Sutton calls for reducing the number of counties to 25, making DSU a community college, driving a corporate income tax, and monetizing legal cannabis he’s simply GOP lite.

    1. Umm better retry that. Troy’s analysis is usually calling balls and strikes. However, if you want to keep putting up the Weiland family to win elections, the republicans will be eternally greatful. Why not do more ballot initatives? That wins seats🙊🙉🐵🙈

      1. The person who made that comment has been banned in multiple states across the US for being vile but especially in South Dakota. It was made by Larry Kurtz Cory’s associate down at his MJ grow operation in New Mexico.

        1. My old friend Lar is only vile when he wants to be, and both of his minions are probably nicer guys than some when you really sit and talk with them. Unfortunately Lar’s mind is forever warped by the demon weed.

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