Former legislator Frank Kloucek demands everyone be masked!

Frank Kloucek of Scotland made the request to the county auditor to have the county commissioners pass a resolution requiring individuals to wear face masks in the county. It was the consensus of the commissioners to not adopt the resolution and leave it up to the individual whether they wish to wear a mask.

(Frank was so disappointed)

15 thoughts on “Former legislator Frank Kloucek demands everyone be masked!”

  1. I can understand why Frank wants to wear a mask. I wonder if he thinks my wife should wear one in Bon Homme County as he has told me he thinks she was good looking in high school.

  2. it’s prudent. if more of you actually researched the disease instead of writing cheap shot humor we’d have a better policy debate in the state.

    1. I agree with you. Further, he didn’t “demand” a thing. He requested it.

      Pat doesn’t let pesky things like facts get in the way of a good hit piece.

  3. Bon Homme has had four CV-19 cases, all recovered. Happy to see the county commissioners all keep perspective and show good sense.

  4. It’s a request different than a demand. Dr. Billion MD supports Frank. I believe it’s a reasonable request. I would rather wear a mask than live in a town that is closed down.

  5. Yep, it was just a request, not a demand or rant. There are enough of those from Dear Leader.

    Think what you want, but despite some unorthodox approaches and views, Frank was an incredibly hard-working and sincere legislator who always put his constituents first.

  6. Seems reasonable to make this request. Not sure what all the hub bub is all about.

  7. Why wouldn’t you wear a mask at a time like this and support the idea? Oh yah, that science thing, huh, wrapped in a whimsical libertarian argument that’s convenient to those who hate the tyranny of truth, or should we say science in this case.

  8. Jack Billion and Frank Kloucek Encourage Use of Face Masks in Public
    Letter to Editor
    April 25, 2020

    Retired Doctor of Orthopedic Medicine Dr Jack Billion of Sioux Falls, South Dakota and retired 22 year legislator Frank Kloucek of Scotland, South Dakota ask people to stay home, but when you must go out wear face masks in all public spaces like grocery stores.  

    The recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology study has proven that Covid droplets from humans can travel up to 27 feet in laboratory conditions. The implementation of dust mask or face mask policies should have been mandated long ago!

    We need to look at the world around us and see what is working in the fight against the Covid 19 virus. Face masks are working to reduce the infection rate. Please use them when you go out into the public.

    The Czech Republic has mandated face masks for office workers and in all public situations. If the Czech Republic can do this why can not we at least voluntarily do so. One can be a carrier of this disease and not know it. To protect yourself and others – please wear a face mask. It falls to us to protect our communities.
    Frank Kloucek
    29966 423rd Avenue
    Scotland SD 57059
    Jack Billion
    400 East 21st Street
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57105

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