Gov Noem urges people to sign her petition against Critical Race Theory

Posted today on Twitter from Governor Kristi Noem:

11 thoughts on “Gov Noem urges people to sign her petition against Critical Race Theory”

  1. The Civil War was not about slavery, it was a battle for the rights of states against the tyranny of an oppressive federal government.

    1. What in the hell are you talking about? Have you read the secession articles or statements that accompanied those states seceding from the Union? They made it clear that slavery was front and center. This is nuts! Is this what the Republican Party is today? Holy crap!

  2. I joined with Governor Kristi Noem petition against Critical Race Theory.

  3. Good for you, Honorable Carl Perry. Good for you! It is our hope that you join us in renaming the “Civil War” to “War Between the States.” It wasn’t about slavery, it was about the rights of states, like people, to determine their own liberties, to be free, to govern themselves as the almighty God saw fit. God bless you Mr. Perry for standing up and being against the Godless heathens and their anti-American ways!

  4. Someone should set up a House Committee on Un-American Activities. We need to investigate these subversives and determine which of them have communist ties.

  5. What’s taken her so long to get on this ridiculous bandwagon as a way to keep getting FoxNews conservative attention? Oh, and the Civil War was all about slavery. If it was just a matter of “states’ rights,” those on the side of slavery wouldn’t have committed treason.

    1. It seems obvious that Lincoln’s concern over secession, “What then will become of my tariff?” was a serious matter. And a low Southern tariff, a free port, was a serious threat to Northern commerce on top of everything else. Business, commerce, investments, even people are drawn to low taxes. Taxes do motivate and can easily destroy a nation.

      Besides being unfair, this violated the uniformity command of the Constitution by having the South pay an undue proportion of the national revenue, which was expended more in the North than in the South: when some of the compromise tariffs of the 1830s and 1840s are analyzed, the total revenue was around $107.5 million, with the South paying about $90 million and the North $17.5 million. In 1860, total exports from the South totaled $214 million, and from the North around $47 million. In both instance the percentage for the South (taxes and exports) was approximately 87%, and 17% for the North.

      These are excerpts from, “When in the Course of Human Events, Arguing the Case for Southern Secession” by Charles Adams. Are you willing to dig deeper into your “all about slavery” claim? Doubtful.

      1. The south also had unfair economic advantages, most notably the 3/5 rule which allowed them to reduce other human beings to little more than machinery while still counting those people towards representation in Congress. The war was not solely about slavery, but assertions that the war had nothing to do with it are ahistorical and complete bs.

  6. Because CRT is a twisting of history to serve a current political agenda (not unlike what was done in Nazi Germany and the USSR and is being done in China et. al., being against CRT has a responsibility to be committed to honest history

    Asserting the Civil War was fought over something besides slavery is no less honest than CRT.

    Regarding this statement above: “ It wasn’t about slavery, it was about the rights of states, like people, to determine their own liberties, to be free, to govern themselves as the almighty God saw fit.”

    The people “determining their liberties, to be free” seceded from our country to be able to continue to deny other human beings their right “to be free.

    The only moral difference between the South and Nazis is the South wanted their “chattel” to reproduce so they could pass down their evil to their kids. Nazis wanted them to work until they died. Right up to the end of the war (even after in Texas until Grant sent troops), the South separated families and siblings at auction.

    In short, CRT and “it was just about states right” are different sides of the same intentional deception coin.

    1. Correction: Asserting the Civil War was fought over something besides slavery is just as dishonest as CRT.

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