28 thoughts on “I can’t disagree with him. Time to Confirm.”

  1. No one should be confirmed until the Russia stuff is fully investigated. This entire presidency may be illegitimate.

    1. Agreed, if a Dem. can not have a hearing for SCOTUS in his last year, a Repug. shouldn’t in his last 3 months….. How many investigations are going on or in the works? How many “scandals in 6 weeks? Where is the “lock him up” outrage?

      1. What is it with you demoncrats? You lost the race! Get over it! People said not to your pathetic, dishonorable candidate and she lost. She should be locked up for her crimes against the country, and Obama’s administration should be under severe scrutiny for his many activites-Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS being used as a campaign tool, telling Medvedev that he will have more flexibility after the election.

        You have no credibility Jaa Dee; you look at the speck of dust in someone else’s eye and ignore the mote in your own. That is a typical trait of Dumbocrats.

    2. Mike Pence would be a a Conservative Messiah.

      Which is kind of why I don’t think the Democrats are crazy enough to impeach Trump. But you never know, maybe I am underestimating Trump derangement syndrome. They may be really nuts and just do it.

  2. Gorusch’s position on corporate arbitration rights is “absurd”…… And the seat was stolen. Force the GOP to use the “nuclear option,” because it will definitely comeback to politically haunt them in the future…. It’s called karma….. And this is not a time for us to be Democratic apologists either….

    1. You’re quite the hypocrite. Didn’t the words of Uncle Joe-where did I leave my car keys-Biden mean anything years ago? He didn’t want to confirm a Republican appointment because he wanted the incoming president to do so, but now because the shoe is on the other foot the socialists are crying like a bunch of spoiled babies.

      Thank Harry Reid for the nuclear option being available; he’s one of your twits.

      1. But Biden still wanted the same Congress to hold hearings and vote on the nominee. He was just advocating that they wait until late November after the election to vote on the nominee. Plus, who says that Biden speaks for me on everything, especially when you try to call me a “hypocrite?”

        Socialists? What do you call someone who advocates corporate welfare? Are conservative South Dakota farmers socialists, too?

        You are right about Reid making this available, but the cat is now out of the bag, and the example of him is a perfect example of “karma,” but now the ball is in the Republicans’ court, and I think we should just let them serve their “nuclear option.” The long term procedural impact of this trend works to the Democratic Party favor and would further make for a consistent trend that would make it impossible to call any Democrat a “hypocrite” on this matter…. Especially, when Biden wanted to hold the vote to begin with….

  3. I strongly suspect that Gorsuch will be confirmed and there will not be a filibuster. Other than being reversed by the USSC this week, which was something outside his control, his hearing was nearly flawless. If it wouldn’t be for the Garland issue, he would have as many votes as Roberts, if not more.

    1. So you admit that Garland is a legitimate issue, huh…. Oh, Schumer just announced a filibuster, too…

  4. Democrats have to pander to their radicalized, irrational base. They can’t just to the right thing and confirm a highly qualified candidate.

    1. But the seat was stolen. That is not a radical or irrational fact, but if you live in a world of “alternative facts,” then maybe that fact becomes so challenging, that you need to be radical or irrational to debate it…..

        1. But but but but mommy, it was stolen wahhh. Politics by politicians, who would have guessed. Reid opening up the end to the filibuster on judges and Biden stating that presidents should get to appoint Supreme Court Judges in their final year. Both democrat giants in the party of the hypocrite. Keep moving in all directions to unwrap that baked pretzel, your colors show even to the ill informed. Even Johnson can see this is a fight not worth losing the filibuster over.

            1. Go ahead, make my day, and use the nuclear option. It will only guarantee multiple left of center Justices in the next decade, thank you….

              Oh, and once again your analogies about Reid and Biden are not only weak, they are also non germane… Neither case deals with a seat being stolen or no hearings being held……

              But you want to see hypocrisy? Well, recall how McConnell kept not only a vote, but hearings as well on Garland throughout 2016 from happening, then recall what Thune said in 2004 in a debate with Daschle:

              FF: 02:26

    1. Thanks for the english lesson. Is it “unpresidented” or “unprecedented” (Trump 01/17) ?

  5. Brendan can’t leave ALL that Independent space for Mike “McGruff” Huether !

  6. Hey, since there are people who are opposing Dusty Johnson because of who has endorsed him, shouldn’t we now be opposing Gorsuch after the Brendan Johnson endorsement.

    Or are the anonymous posters who use those arguments against Dusty just trying to take cheap shots?

  7. I think it’s time for the nation to separate. Those favoring liberalism, socialism, big govt, high taxes, more and more regulations, no free speech unless it agrees with theirs, a living Constitution, can move to either coast. And those who want common sense small govt, lower taxes, less regulations, conservative principles, a govt based on the Constitution which has worked for over 200 years, can move to the Midwest and south. Everyone gets the kind of govt they want.

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