9 thoughts on “I didn’t need to read that.”

  1. “defecating”, not “deficating”. When you spell things correctly it lends more credence to what you are communicating, and this needs all the credence it can get.

  2. a few points here – –
    1. the followup post was correct, we in fact do not breathe through our butts.
    2. unfiltered flatulence has not actually caused a covid-like bodily attack leading to the death of nearby people
    3. never stop sharing these hubbel postings with us

  3. She may have had a poor way of explaining it, but she is correct. Because of the mask there is a gradual buildup of carbon dioxide that we exhale trapped behind the mask. When you have more CO2, you get less oxygen, and the oxygen levels in your body can decrease. That is why some people will get head aches, and others fatigue more easily when wearing a mask for an extended period of time.

    I have used a hole punch to make holes along the edges of my mask. Not in the center so if I sneeze I don’t shoot out the droplets of potential China Flu virus contamination. Also, my mask is a lot less hot to wear.

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