If anyone wants to pay me $70k to write, I’d encourage you to give me a call.

So, I’m scanning Facebook this morning before work, and I notice one of the Constitution party goofballs has tagged a new Shad Olson manifesto regarding yours truly.  If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was all out of love for me. (Auto tune and all.)

The gist of it is that is Shad repeating his silly claim from a while back that he was asked to create the SDWC. Because you all know you’d like to read 10 page screeds of conspiracy theories.  But the difference now is that the former Gordon Howie campaign manager is adding – in a really long run-on sentence – a previous Lora Hubbel claim that I’m being paid one meeelion doll….. er, Seventy Thousand dollars on an annual basis to write SDWC:

Sources tell me that a salary of $70k a year from benefactors of the South Dakota GOP, plus ad revenue in election years by establishment cronies (or some reasonable facsimile thereof in the same ballpark) is the going rate to get a man to surrender his principles and maintain the pretense of an independent news medium that is every bit as phony-baloney as CNN, MSNBC and the big three and every bit as false as the imitation naugahyde elephant suits that the Dan Lederman’s, Jeff Partridge’s, Dave Roetman’s and Dennis Daugaard’s of the world pull over the eyes of kindly South Dakota folk who are just too polite and trusting not to believe the very best about what their leadership promises and their RINO blogs reinforce.

Read that silliness here.

Let me state something irrefutably and unequivocally for the record:   If you have evidence that the SDGOP or their benefactors are paying me $70,000 a year, for gosh sake, send it to me, because the check has clearly been misplaced and lost in the mail. If anyone wants to pay me $70,000 for writing a website, drop me a note.  Not that I don’t enjoy punching a clock and helping people with insurance claims, as I need to do in a few minutes, but my mother didn’t raise a schmuck.

If someone wants to pay me more than I’m making in my 8-5 job to write a political blog, I‘m here for you.

Just don’t tell Lora or Shad. They might think there’s a conspiracy or something.

2 thoughts on “If anyone wants to pay me $70k to write, I’d encourage you to give me a call.”

  1. “or some reasonable facsimile thereof in the same ballpark” . . . in the neighborhood of something similarly the same.

    Hemingway weeps.

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