Nice SDWC Mention in World Net Daily article on the Aberdeen American News omitting a criminal’s refugee status

In case you’re interested, my story about the Aberdeen American News ignoring a criminal’s refugee status had a big mention in a follow-up article on the World Net Daily web site.

Powers said this is a legitimate question for South Dakotans.

“With the only mention of the attempted molestation of a disabled woman by the refugee, newly placed in the community, coming hours after an article critical of their non-coverage of the crime, it’s hard to categorize the WND outrage as just more fake news on Facebook,” Powers wrote.

“The fact that the Aberdeen American News still omitted facts of the story after being publicly excoriated for it only gives credence to accusations that news coverage of crimes being committed by refugees in the community are possibly being shielded from public view.”

‘If this had been a crime against a Muslim …’

Commenters on Facebook and on Powers’ blog were upset.

“If this had been a crime against a Muslim, it would have been all over the front page locally and nationally and cited as a hate crime,” posted one commenter on the blog.

You can read it all here.