Old friends on the trail

Just ran into former South Dakota State Auditor & Treasurer Vern Larson at the Vivian rest stop/tourism kiosk just adjacent to his hometown.

Since leaving politics, he’s been doing this for quite a few years and enjoys being an ambassador for South Dakota for the passing motorists.

It was pretty busy when I stopped, so we didn’t have time for much more than a few words of greetings. But it was good to see him nonetheless.

5 thoughts on “Old friends on the trail”

  1. He should consider running for another office in the future. He’s a nice guy.

    1. If Barnett, Sattgast and Brunner won’t bring back the mustache then Vern will probably have to.

      What happened to Chris Nelson’s mustache?

      Thank you Matt Michels for carrying on the tradition.

  2. Vern Larson’s picture is next to the word “public servant” in the dictionary.

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