Proposed veto-day legislation to address election coronavirus concerns could move primary to late July

70069 – election coronavirus legislation by Pat Powers on Scribd

The proposed election legislation would move municipal elections to the June primary election date, and give the Governor the authority the potential authority to move the primary election date to as late as July 28th, if needed.

What do you think? Are we going to need to push things back?

12 thoughts on “Proposed veto-day legislation to address election coronavirus concerns could move primary to late July”

  1. Would it then move the filing deadline?

    I guess I don’t understand why the deadline wouldnt be moved?

    1. No the filing deadlines are not changed. In our conference call yesterday, it was pointed out that we have had three months to get signatures and file. They can still be sent Registered mail if you don’t want to drive to Pierre.

  2. I don’t think this bill gives the Governor authority to move the primary election. The word “further” on page 2 line 1 means that a postponement of the election must have previously occurred. The rest of the bill only postpones elections between April 14 and May 26, which excludes the primary election on June 2. If they want to move the primary, then it needs to be more explicit.

  3. July 28 is way too late! I can understand a week or 2 but not 8 weeks!

    We’ve had elections unchanged in our country during times of war or crisis before.

    1. Elections held during times of war or other crisis aren’t the same as holding it during a pandemic. It’s not being moved because its inconvenient or hard. In this situation, the act of holding the election contributes the pandemic itself because it forces people into contact.

      My guess is that no one wants the primary to be held on July 28, but they are building in as much leeway as possible because we don’t know how the virus is going to play out.

  4. What’s the point to even have a primary if it’s going to be in July? Newsflash to the legislature: the Pony Expresses crosses the Dakotas now. Implement a voting by mail option like most states.

    Before anyone cries about that option–the parties need to learn to use it to their advantage instead of complain. Adapt. Move on.

    1. Vote by mail is stupid and ripe for fraud. People should show up to vote. On the same note this nonsense of early voting should end. You should have to apply for an absentee ballot and provide valid reasons for receiving.

  5. Let’s just do away with the primary all together and let the delegates choose their party’s nominees at ALL levels.

    The state cannot afford to be organizing and running elections for the parties anymore. These are private organizations and should be in charge of their own selection process on their own dimes.

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