Quote of the day. And it’s “Bernie-type Free,” meaning someone else is paying for it.

Quote of the day, from Jay Williams rousing endorsement at the Bernie Sanders Rally in memorial park in Rapid City, May 12, 2016:

williams“I support the fiercely principled and moral US senator, Bernie Sanders, who has staked his entire adult life fighting for the interests of the American people regardless of race, religion, or economic status.”

Jay Williams wrapping his arms around Bernie Sanders.

Did he say moral? (Link contains adult language.)

That quote of the day is free, by the way. Bernie-type free.

Which means, someone else is paying for it.

12 thoughts on “Quote of the day. And it’s “Bernie-type Free,” meaning someone else is paying for it.”

  1. Two of the strangest candidates. Bernie. Where someone else pays. And Trump, where we all will pay. But I promise that I will do my part to be a loyal Republican. I will vote for Donald Trump if he can go without saying something stupid for the next ten days. That would be May 17th to the 27th. Go!

    And no, I will not be “flexible” on that commitment either.

    1. Can you define ‘Stupid?’

      The little spat he had with Megyn Kelly, wasn’t very bright.
      The wall to be funded by Mexico, or stopping all Muslims from entering the country, may seem to be going overboard a bit.

      To the best of my knowledge he has not apologized for any of these comments, which tells he meant what he said.

  2. Jimmy, can I propose an amendment to your commitment? 🙂

    Trump gets a new clock every time HRC says something stupid.

  3. Can’t we just have one worst-case scenario per election? I am drinking way too much these last few months.

  4. “I support the fiercely principled and moral US senator, Bernie Sanders, who has staked his entire adult life fighting for the interests of the American people regardless of race, religion, or economic status.” This is the funniest thing I have ever heard. How about MY interest – how about the fact that I work and pay taxes and support myself – how about I don’t feel I should also work to pay for those who refuse to. Bernie, and Jay, how about the famous statement by Margaret Thatcher – socialism works until you run out of other people’s money. Bernie might be moral in some ways, but it is NOT moral or principled to take from some by force of govt to give to others in the quest for income redistribution, fairness, equality, or whatever you want to spin it is. There is no free lunch; that is principled and moral.

  5. What we’ve had in the past is uncontrollable spending…trillions for wars and no-bid contracts to the military industrial complex, billions and billions to big pharma and out of control heath care costs that taxpayers are paying for. Sanders will reign in spending buy cutting fraud, abuse and waste. Trump or Sanders would be far better than the bought and paid for politicians that we have now.

  6. Sanders wants to grow govt spending and thus govt waste, fraud, and abuse that always go along with increased spending. Just exactly, and I mean exactly, does Sanders plan to cut waste, fraud, and abuse?

  7. Look at other countries where heath care is half the cost with better results. Same drugs, ten times cheaper, much better education with less spending per student, much less crime and prison rates……..People are fleeing into European Countries as much as the US because like the US, they are Industrialized countries that are leading the US in may categories.

  8. There’s good socialism and their is corrupt socialism….Brooking SD is a pretty good socialist town. Weren’t they ranked number one last year?

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