5 thoughts on “Real Ted Cruz parody ad airing last night during SNL”

  1. Finally, something about the presidential race. Fair weather fans everywhere fall into place.

  2. Good – and funny! I haven’t picked my candidate yet, so don’t take my enjoying this video as an endorsement! Of course, I believe we need to be able to enjoy things – or not – without reading deep meanings and animus into them.

  3. Four comments:

    1). For the first half, I am thinking this guy is a dead ringer for Cruz. When I realized it was really him, I started over.

    2). I like the idea of adding levity to show a different side to reinforce themes but it reinforced existing perceptions of him.

    3). Was that a shot at Paul Ryan? If not intended to be, it came across as at him which is not good way to reach outside one’s base.

    4). And, the close was bad as it implies he is divine.

  4. His negatives are so high that, if nothing else, the fact that he didn’t eat the children probably make it a positive. Otherwise, nothing but more cheap shots.

    1. Cheap shots! Lois Lerner did target Tea Party groups, Hillary is a Grinch (though I doubt her heart will every grow like the real Grinch’s did), and the speaker of the house did melt before the Obama. Just because these facts are presented in a funny way doesn’t mean they are cheap shots.

      Cruz has more honor and integrity than all the Dumbocrat candidates combined, and he is a lot funnier than the wicked witch from the past, Hillary. Also, I wouldn’t make a crack about somebody “not eating the children” when the Demoncrats push for the wholesale slaughter of the children with their beloved “right” to abortion.

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