Salon Article: FEMA won’t give money to states who don’t accept ‘climate change’

From Salon:

Rick Scott may have found a way of making climate denial state policy, but the Florida governor is going to have a hard time ignoring this. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) just updated its guidelines for state disaster preparedness plans, and under the new policy, plans will only be approved — and federal funds appropriated —  if they address the threats of climate change.

“The challenges posed by climate change, such as more intense storms, frequent heavy precipitation, heat waves, drought, extreme flooding, and higher sea levels, could significantly alter the types and magnitudes of hazards impacting states in the future,” the guidelines explain. They direct states to”assess vulnerability, identify a strategy to guide decisions and investments, and implement actions that will reduce risk, including impacts from a changing climate.”

Read it here.

I’m thinking the next Republican President is going to have a heck of a job cleaning out the US Government.

9 thoughts on “Salon Article: FEMA won’t give money to states who don’t accept ‘climate change’”

  1. you know, when you lump this in with “i think voting should be mandatory” and “we want catalytic converters on your barbecue” and “everyone should pay a carbon production tax” THIS HAS TO END. in 2009 a lot of people thought, hey we can just ride this out and then fix it all. well, we are far down the road to being totally converted from a true representative democracy in a free nation, to an authoritarian technocracy that only LOOKS like a democracy to placate the proles. this has to stop.

    1. Enquirer I could not agree more with the obvious scamming the Democrats Team Captain has parlayed onto America.
      Screw the race baiting race card the libs all wish to play; we have now all been sucker punched by our first non-white American Prez who obviously hates Jews and loves Muslims. Christian philosophy would embrace all wishing Peace. This guy; the uninformed America, voted into office now wants us to be in a Cold War with a leading sponsor of Islamic Terror! He wants a Reagan type remembrance.

      1. if our senate and house can’t re-empower congress this year (the peoples’ house, regardless of what the bureaucrats say) we are all screwed for a long time to come.

  2. I think the new “requirement” a non-event from a practical perspective. All such plans have to accommodate natural disasters, regardless of whether climate change is a factor. No tornado or hurricane knows if it’s a “global warming”-related event. The disaster response is unaffected.

    As for the frequency and/or severity of anticipated future weather-related events, states’ plans can rely on each state’s past experience and forecasts from a number of respected sources. Include a sentence or two if needed to say that thought was given to global warming in scenario planning. If anything, accommodation of global warming is an invitation to states to request more federal support and build larger disaster preparedness/disaster relief budgets.

  3. 671 days to go; urgh… we have to win this time.

    We NEED a GOP president.

    But then again we sent Sen. Rounds there to vote that Climate change was man made. His most disappointing vote so far ( Thune voted that it was not man made).

      1. First they took a vote on was climate change real; it was near unanimous YES 98-0 or thereabouts.

        Then there was a second vote whether it was MAN MADE or not–Thune said it was not; Rounds said it was.

  4. So, you guys agree that a state employee who mentioned rising seas should be sent home until a shrink determines he is sane?

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