11 thoughts on “Shantel Krebs on campaign trail this coming Monday”

  1. Is she ever in the office? I’m sick and tired of seeing these elected officials doing events on work days. Resign if you’re not going to do the job you were elected to do.

    1. “”””Is she ever in the office? I’m sick and tired of seeing these elected officials doing events on work days. Resign if you’re not going to do the job you were elected to do.”””

      Did you say the same thing about Jackley?

        1. I called Monday, and they said he was in Kimball. Tried again yesterday, and they said he went to De Smet.

  2. I see Dusty being the clear winner for the nomination. It is too bad she does not run for re-election for where she is at.

      1. With one hand tied behind his back.

        He’s scared everyone out of the race because they know the outcome they’d face.

  3. I guess all is fair in love and war and politics but the argument candidates should resign from their current public service job while they run for another is to me the most absurd.

    1) Good managers can manage remotely. Krebs doesn’t have to be in the office for it be run well and under her direction. This is especially true with technology today.

    2) More important, if this idea were truly “enacted”, the only people who could run for any office would be the independently wealthy and the unemployed. Plus, we’d have chaos in our public offices because of the resignations.

    Seriously, would we better served if:

    1) Noem resigned and the Governor appointed a replacement for a year? Or, how about the position is filled by who we elected?

    2) Jackley resigned and turned the office over to his un-elected deputy? Or, how about the position is filled by who we elected?

    3) Krebs resigned and turned the office over to her un-elected deputy? Or, how about the position is filled by who we elected?

    I could go on and on down the line but if we want the best choices we need to allow people to run regardless of their responsibilities (personal, professional or to the public) and give them every flexibility possible.

    Getting good candidates is hard enough. We don’t need to make it harder.

    1. You obviously don’t work for a living. If you did you would appreciate that leaving work to campaign would get you fired.

    2. The county parties nominate congressional vacancies. The governor appoints constitutional offices.

      Well said troy.

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