One thought on “Sutton concedes defeat in loss to Governor-Elect Kristi Noem”

  1. I would like to be the first to wish BIllie well from a STRONG Noem/Rhoden supporter. He tried, he tried hard. The DNC backing didn’t hurt him. He’s young and inexperienced. He got ahead of himself. He did about as well as he could’ve expected. Maybe better. I wish he wouldn’t have changed his votes in 2018 legislation (some pay attention) to look like a moderate but he probably got what he wanted out of it in the end. Not the governorship but something likely to come his way and hopefully (and I say it respectfully), a long way from SD.

    Again, he tried. And who could blame him as he was nudged (strongly). I mean, c’mon, that much coordination from grassroots D’s? Albeit, if you saw something on Kristi’s page, you were sure to see something similar about 2-5 hours later on Billie’s page… Things that make you go hmmmmm.

    Nonetheless, best to both.

    Onward to the future for Kristi and Larry!!! Great things to come if we all come together!!!!!!!!!!!!

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