The only thing worse than a patronizing campaign theme is spelling a patronizing campaign theme incorrectly.

I had someone send this campaign piece to me today from the fair. And to be honest, there are a couple of problems with it that are hard to get past.

Apparently, Republican State Representative Tom Pischke is campaigning for re-election on a theme which seems entirely appropriate for the 20’s. Unfortunately, that would be the 1920’s, before women were given the right to vote.  In a state with a Governor and a Senate Majority Leader who are women.. I’m going to guess that they’d disagree that they need to be singled out for patronization.

Then there’s the other part.  If Tom is going to actually campaign on a theme of protecting ‘women and chidlren,’ (sic) he should hire someone to do his cards that can actually spell ‘children.’

Just sayin’.

11 thoughts on “The only thing worse than a patronizing campaign theme is spelling a patronizing campaign theme incorrectly.”

    1. Agreed. I have had a printing company misspell words that I had correct on the copy I had sent in to have them set up and print.

      1. Even if it’s the printer’s misspelling, it’s still the candidates fault! Someone needed to look at them before setting them out. If it was noticed, they should have demanded some kind of replacement from the printer, hired another printer to rush a smaller order, or simply gone without! Plus, the campaign shouldn’t be ordering cards for each individual event. That kind of (poor) planning leads to things like this. Not to mention, you’re tempted to “switch things up” and inadvertently undermine your own branding efforts. Plus, is his middle name “District 25”?

        1. I’m forced to agree. Each of us, at some point, has misspelled something. I certainly have. But for this humiliating public goof, fault lies with the printer AND the candidate. An officeholder must review the material s/he sends voters. Do your job! If something were misspelled on my business card or my website…

          Although Tom should demand & receive a refund, he still looks very foolish.

    1. Boy you got it severly twisted. The Dem party is straight evil and Anti-American with a platform of the following:

      – Health Care for All
      – Health Care for Illegals
      – Open Borders
      – Identify Politics
      – On Demand Abortion up to Delivery
      – Socialism/Communism
      – Climate Change
      – Globalism
      – Anti-Christian
      – Anyone not agreeing with them is the enemy and needs to be punished to the fullest (Cancel Culture)

      I am sure I missed a few but, you get the drift. EVERY single position on this list is Anti-American. This party is a group of Brown Shirts and Dems in the Middle have a tough choice to make. Give away America to Communists or vote Red

      1. What does any of what you just said, which is refutable, have to do with the point of this post?

  1. Tom proposed HB 1146 so his second job would not count towards the child support he has to pay. While the Bill failed it shows how much he supports his first child.
    Such love for children!

    1. It is just asking for criticism, to campaign on “Protecting women and children,” when you are known to be a “Mad Dad” who complains about how much his ex and their kids are costing him.

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