The weather gods were causing issues, but I did make it to Kristi’s office.

Unfortunately, my first planned stop in Washington was scuttled by the weather gods, who delayed my flight in 3 hours, so unfortunately I missed Congresswoman Noem who was flying out that afternoon.

However, I did stop in this morning and spent some time talking with her staff, and I’m going to try to catch Kristi in state sometime in the near future to talk about what’s coming up legislatively for our State’s lone representative in Congress.

She works pretty hard for South Dakota, and works hard to spend as much time in state as possible. Including being stuck in an airport for 11 hours as she was coming home for their Easter break.

So stay tuned! In the meantime, it is a beautiful day in Washinton. And I’m going to enjoy it!

8 thoughts on “The weather gods were causing issues, but I did make it to Kristi’s office.”

  1. Pat,
    The well worn/marked Bible on her desk is open to what book/chapter?

    I’m guessing Isaiah and the four column layout makes me wonder if it is a Thompson Chain Reference Bible. That means she studies the Bible and follows cross references and notes. I know her pastor so I would guess that the Bible is a NKJV, New King James Version – not my preferred version but the NKJV is a trustworthy result of a team of translators and good for word and theme studies.

    We need more leaders who know each day they need to hear God’s voice about themselves and the task and responsibility to which they have been entrusted. We need more leaders who are in this book every day for what it reveals about who God is and how we are to live in the world.

  2. Let’s skip talking to her about what “legislatively” is coming up in DC, rather shouldn’t we be hearing what her vision is for the State of South Dakota and what she wants to do stateside?

    1. Or, you know, how about doing the job we elected her to do rather than one she may or may not have in a couple years?

  3. Steve,

    I am going to guess Is. 42:1-7 as it is today’s first Mass Reading. 🙂

    1. Could be, though I’m not sure her flavour of Christianity follows the lectionary texts. Some years I do.

  4. Steve,

    Kinda depends on what side of the desk she was sitting on too. If she sat on that side and just got up, maybe it was Sirach/Ecclesiasticus. If she sat on the side she normally sits and had slid it up her desk when finished, maybe it was Maccabees.

    I’m kidding about the above. What I envy is she is wise enough to read it with her desk clean and no distractions. It is actually what I took away when I first saw the picture.

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