Thune and Noem petitions are out and in your community

Both Congresswoman Kristi Noem and US Senator John Thune have their petitions distributed to the GOP faithful, with many of them receiving them this past week via the US Postal service. In case you’re interested, except for the petitions themselves, here’s what went out:

Circulation Instructions From John Thune and Kristi Noem

The most interesting part? Both of them highlight the need for the bottom of the petition to be signed in the presence of a notary public.  And I suspect that’s not going to change at any time in the near future, given the heightened atmosphere of petition scrutiny courtesy of Annette Bosworth.

I haven’t heard hide nor hair of petitions being circulated for signature for Paula Hawks yet. One of my correspondents thinks there’s an even chance that the congressional run may not actually happen. But, we’ll know more about that when we see some fundraising figures for the last quarter in the next few coming weeks.

And still no petitions……  or fundraising……  or hints of anything regarding a candidate from Democrats for the US Senate seat.    I’m kind of thinking you can stick a fork in that potato. It’s done.

3 thoughts on “Thune and Noem petitions are out and in your community”

  1. I’ll never vote for anyone who voted for the last omnibus bill. Better to vote for a fool than a liar.

    1. What about the omnibus before that? Or the one before that? What was it about this omnibus that makes it worse than others?

      How about the budget deal in October? You know, the one that actually busted the spending caps from sequester and set the spending levels? Does how someone voted on that factor into your vote?

  2. Is Tornberg working in Pierre for the dems again this session?

    She really needs a warm body on the ballot against Thune to be considered a success.

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