Thune: Military Readiness Should Be a Bipartisan Issue

Thune: Military Readiness Should Be a Bipartisan Issue

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that the security of our nation – our ability to live as a free people – depends upon the strength of our military.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) this week addressed the current national security challenges facing the United States and the importance of making sure our military is well-equipped to meet those challenges. Thune also previewed an upcoming hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, of which he is chairman, that will examine the steps social media platforms are taking to combat the spread of extremist propaganda over the internet.

4 thoughts on “Thune: Military Readiness Should Be a Bipartisan Issue”

  1. Cool, Johnny. How many kids will have to go without supper or healthcare to pay for it? Cutting taxes and increasing spending – It’s the Republican Way!

    1. If the Russians take over the kids will be killed, Ike. Let the country be taken over, it’s the Democrat way!

      If you don’t think that we need a strong military to keep our country safe and sovereign you are truly a moron.

      1. Sounds like the Russians have already taken over – at least the White House. lolololololol

        The US spends more than the next 10 countries COMBINED on military. We out-spend Russia 9:1 now, do we really need to go 10:1 or more to keep our already ridiculous “edge”? Jesus, dude. Red Dawn was only a movie.

  2. Yes, military readiness should be bipartisan, tax reform should be bipartisan, immigration reform should be bipartisan, healthcare reform should be bipartisan. Instead of talk, talk, talk, show us some action.

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