Was Jay Williams trying to sound like an idiot, or was that unintentional?

From Twitter, Democrat US Senate Candidate Jay Williams is trying to criticize Senator John Thune for not doing his job.   At least, the job description he made up in his head.

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Well, so much for social media being “the great equalizer.” He’s as awful on social media as he in in fundraising.

I’m not sure if Jay was trying to sound like an idiot, or if it was unintentional? Has anyone taken him aside quietly, and explained to Jay that US Senators don’t provide oversight to state government?

It doesn’t sound like it.

One thought on “Was Jay Williams trying to sound like an idiot, or was that unintentional?”

  1. What does Jay Jay claim that Thune is obstructing? If is pretty much anything that Barack wants to do, I’m with Thune.

    This is the best the Dumbocrats could come up with? Boy, they are hurting here in South Dakota, and I love it!

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