Youngberg Fundraiser on Thursday featuring Governor Daugaard & AG Marty Jackley. Youngberg still working hard.


District 8 State Senate Candidate Jordan Youngberg continues to gain steam in his campaign with a fundraiser coming up this Thursday night featuring Governor Dennis Daugaard and Attorney General Marty Jackley at the Hillside Resort in Wentworth, located on the southeast side of Lake Madison.

The resort was just featured in the Argus Leader in a big story a couple of weeks back, so if you wanted to check it out, here’s your chance!

During a time in which his opponent, incumbent Senator Scott Parsley, is silent and content to sit on his laurels, Youngberg continues to impress by putting in a strong effort.    And that’s not talk coming from the campaign. I’m hearing this from people outside of the district, as they talk to individuals (not politicos) in the area communities.

And you can’t argue with Youngberg’s efforts. He’s already out and about knocking on doors asking people for their vote, and he’s put up nearly 100 large highway signs across the District in spots provided by supporters, with little sign of slowing down.

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Whether he’s ultimately successful or not is still 80 or so days away, but it’s a good example for other candidates to be following. It takes that kind of effort to give yourself a fighting chance at the ballot box.  Campaigns are about name identification first and foremost, and if you’re out there doing the work, knocking on doors, putting up signs, and getting your name and face in front of people, it all adds up.

Agree or disagree with the man, you can’t help but appreciate the amount of work he’s putting in. And in my mind, that’s what makes what I call “a good campaigner” – the kind of person who can take a race from “leaning Democrat” into “Strong GOP” by election day.

If you’re out and about in the Lake Madison area on Thursday night, make a point to stop by the Hillside Resort and listen to what Jordan has to say, and support his campaign.

You won’t regret it.

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5 thoughts on “Youngberg Fundraiser on Thursday featuring Governor Daugaard & AG Marty Jackley. Youngberg still working hard.”

  1. I hope he is talking about the LIFE issue concerning Parsley. Parsley has a very extreme pro-abortion record in the legislature.

    1. Spencer, I appreciate your concern for the unborn, however, I would ask if you’re pro-life or pro-birth? Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun, says those that only are concerned about the dignity of life inside the womb are “pro-birth.” I would also ask you to look at Senator Parsley’s record. He’s been a champion for expanding healthcare coverage to thousands of uninsured individuals – the most vulnerable in our state. In fact, the former Bishop of Salt Lake City called the expansion of healthcare a matter of protecting the dignity and sanctity of life. I’m Catholic and believe in the dignity and sanctity of life and know that either party doesn’t represent those interests, but I think it is very dangerous to judge one’s record on one issue.

      In summary, I would implore you to “move around the lantern” and see the issue from multiple points of view. Senator Parsley is a good and decent man and a great senator for the people of District 8. Thank you, and I hope you have a great day!

      P.S. Pat, I attended USD with your daughter. I don’t always agree with your posts or your political views, but you did an excellent job raising her. She is a wonderful person!

      1. Yes, I hear this argument time and time again, and it works even better the other way. When one is not “pro-birth,” the pro-life argument is moot. The Left decides who is worthy to be born. Only then, they are subject to basic human rights. If Planned Parenthood had its way, anyone born into a perceived disadvantaged situation would never exist making the entire “pro-life” versus “pro-birth” spin from the Left pointless. Yes, pro-lifers to some extent are to blame for America’s squalor. I am sure if we aborted everyone from a poor or disadvantaged background, as was the original intent of the abortion industry, that all of those that survived would invariably live a higher standard of living, but at what ethical and moral cost? If the pro-abortionists on the Left had their way, almost all of the us would be blotted from existence.

  2. VOTE YOUNGBERG! an accomplished young man who has a lot of energy.

    We need more young people involved in politics.

  3. Youngberg has my vote. After meeting him personally I would be proud to have him represent our district. He is open to listening to people and what concern them. Parsley does not listen to his constituents he votes for his own personal beliefs. Youngberg will be a great person to represent our district.

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