Are you resigning from a board, or canceling an event, or are otherwise affected because of IM22?

If you’re resigning from a board, canceling a legislative event, or are otherwise negatively affected because of initiated measure 22 passing, drop me a note. I’d like to hear your story.

I’m happy to keep your name confidential in any story I write about it, if you prefer.

3 thoughts on “Are you resigning from a board, or canceling an event, or are otherwise affected because of IM22?”

  1. Hilarious— This assumption fits well with S.D. being the most corrupt state….If the hired help can’t do their jobs without being corrupt they should leave…. Those that are not have no problem doing what the hired help in other states have been doing for years…………… Christmas parties having to be cancelled? Schhhheeezzee folks quit embarrassing yourselves….

  2. Jaa Dee- The initiated measure is 70 sections and about thirty pages in small single spaced font. You clearly haven’t read it.

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