As you read here earlier, Ultra-liberal Sioux Falls City Councilor to replace Pam Nelson as candidate on Minnehaha Co. Ballot

In a previous post, I had noted it was rumored, but this morning it has been officially announced that Sioux Falls City Councilor Starr is going to seek to replace Pam Nelson, who has withdrawn from the MInnehaha County Treasurer’s race.

I am announcing today my intent to run for Minnehaha County Treasurer. I will be asking the Minnehaha County Democratic Party Central Committee tonight to place my name on the November Ballot,” Pat Starr said Tuesday morning.

Read that here at KELO-AM

Starr, who’s tenure on the Sioux Falls City Council has been highlighted by attacking gun owners, and recently claimed that that the carving of Mt. Rushmore was “vandals erasing history” is facing Republican Minnehaha County Chairwoman Kris Swanson.

Watch for this race to heat up.

4 thoughts on “As you read here earlier, Ultra-liberal Sioux Falls City Councilor to replace Pam Nelson as candidate on Minnehaha Co. Ballot”

    1. Well, she is supporting Starr, so she is definitely letting her hurt feelings sway her judgment (what she has of judgment, that is).

  1. I have done a 180 on her. There is very little that is Conservative or Republican about her. She hangs with ultra-liberals and endorses them. The only thing she did at times, not often, was rail against big spending on large projects. Outside of that this is the gal who wanted the city to pay to trim peoples trees. Not very Conservative.

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