Defeated Aberdeen City Councilwoman Jennifer Slaight-Hansen has parting shot at all the white men

Aberdeen City Councilwoman Jennifer Slaight-Hansen, who attacked another officeholder because she didn’t attend a pro-life event at her church, and lied about being the Brown County Democrat Chairwoman, seems to be less than congratulatory to the person who beat her on a 2-1 basis the day after her loss, and instead seems to be calling the council she’s departing a sexist panel filled with middle aged white men:

Maybe it’s a bad time to bring it up, but having been voted out on a 2-1 basis, based on the simple law of averages, I suspect there’s far more women who voted against her than voted for her.  (And maybe we should all search for her statements during the last election in support of Kristi Noem for Governor over white male Billie Sutton, since that appears to be her overriding concern.)

13 thoughts on “Defeated Aberdeen City Councilwoman Jennifer Slaight-Hansen has parting shot at all the white men”

  1. Yes. I seem to remember when she supported Kristi for Governor. Yeah right. She is a total hypocrite.

  2. The moment Trump nominates a strong, intelligent woman such as Amy Coney Barrett, RBG’s all-female USSC argument will mysteriously vanish.

  3. Does she mean “RBG”? RGB is an abbreviation on the Microsoft Office color palette meaning “Red Green Blue”.

  4. It’s what’s between the ears that matter, not what’s between the legs.

  5. Based on her open bigotry, I’m pretty sure her “inner RGB” is the channelling of Robert Girnt Butler.

    Good to see how soundly Aberdeen expresses itself in opposition to a bigot.

  6. How does a person become so hateful towards community members based on skin color and gender?

    1. It is sad to see a South Dakotan exhibit this sort of hatred based on gender. There is enough of that being spewed by out-of-state name-callers already, and we don’t need yet more of that in the Aberdeen areas.

      1. Grudz have you noticed just about every candidate Mr. H’s “Out of State Name Callers Blog” has promoted with bloggings and advertisements it is the kiss of death for their campaigns and they end up losing?

  7. As an Aberdeen resident, I called her out on her hypocrisy. Last year we had a great candidate going up against current councilman Rob Ronayne (a middle aged white male).
    Jenny as well as former councilwoman RINO Laure Swanson (who ran against Cory several years ago – Cory Quit the race, she quit sometime later) supported the middle aged white male. Laure is seen spewing the same bigotry in the comments below.
    For my efforts on calling Jenny out I am not banned from contacting her through social media and my comments were deleted. Stay classy Jenny.

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