Democrat Patrick Starr claims didn’t break law…. but doesn’t know the law

The Patrick Starr illegal robocall saga continues this evening, with a story in the Argus Leader over the calls as a result of the SDGOP press release today:

In an interview, Starr said “there was nothing illegal about the robocalls,” which do not mention his candidacy for the treasurer position.


The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission says on its website that “autodialed or prerecorded calls to wireless phones are prohibited without prior express consent, regardless of the call’s content, with a few exceptions like emergency calls regarding danger to life or safety.”


Asked about the claims of TCPA violations, Starr said he used a reputable firm he’s familiar with.

“I feel confident we’ve met the exemptions in the law,” Starr said.

However, he did not specify what they were, saying both he and the firm in question would issue press releases later today with additional details.

Read the entire story here.

And remember, if you received the Starr robocall on your cell phone, you can report it to the FCC by clicking on this link at