Dems don’t seem very excited to choose a chair for the next 4 years this weekend.

South Dakota Democrats don’t seem very fired up to choose a new (or old and worn out) chairperson this coming weekend if we’re to take our cues from the South Dakota Democrat activist website Drinking Liberally Sioux Falls:

In South Dakota, the South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) will choose its Chairman for the next four years next week in Oacoma. There are five Democratic Candidates and one candidate who claims to be a Democrat when it is convenient for her. (Paula Hawks).

Despite a lot of good intentions and whatever the results, the SDDP will probably remain what it is today, a Top Down organization whose leaders will continue to wonder why its members don’t participate and do their bidding. Rather than live up to its name and reform itself and become a truly (small “d”) democratic organization, the SDDP will most likely remain a rural dominated Party in which “one county” rather than “one person” equals one vote and in which a Harding County with its 173 Democratic voters will have as much say in Party affairs as a Minnehaha, Pennington, Beadle or a Brown County with their tens of thousands of Democratic voters.

It was pointed out the other day that South Dakota has more cows per capita than any other state in the Nation. As long as the SDDP is governed on the basis of “one cow equals one vote” it and its candidates will never be able to form a message that resonates with a majority of both urban and rural voters. Instead it will lie moribund on the table as it does now, only partially organized and available to any cohesive interest group to use as a platform for its agenda, no matter how popular or unpopular that interest groups ideas may be to the general public.

Read it all here.

So far, State Democrats are poised to select their next chair from a field including..

  • Current chairwoman Ann Tornberg, who has led the SDDP for the past 4 years.
  • The aforementioned Paula Hawks, former Democrat State legislator and Congressional Candidate, who participated in a failed coup effort against Tornberg a while back.
  • Tom Cool, who has never been in a political race he didn’t lose, most recently State Auditor in 2018.
  • John Claussen, current Vice-Chair of the Minnehaha County Democratic Party.
  • Allison Renville, former Bernie Sanders Delegate, and D1 State Legislative Candidate.
  • and John Cunningham, who lost a race for the Minnehaha County Commission.

Stay tuned for more on this!

17 thoughts on “Dems don’t seem very excited to choose a chair for the next 4 years this weekend.”

  1. I wonder if the moderate South Dakota Democrats are becoming disenchanted with the Democrat party as a whole as it is moving towards socialist lunacy and a total rejection of Christianity.

    Any of you Democrats out there who are more concerned with principal than party, become a Republican or Independent.

    1. I left the republican party to register independent despite it disenfranchising me. While the dems are nuts, you are too if you claim the current incarnation of the GOP is a principled one. The party of fiscal responsibility is spending at recession-level rates with nary a thought given to deficit or debt, has a long time abortion supporter who cheats on his wives being held up as a “good Christian” and has become an isolationist, paranoid nation that has ignored the positive impact of immigration on this nation’s economy.

      Please, trash the dems. They deserve it. But don’t hold yourself up as some sort of bastion of principle. You aren’t.

      1. Anonymous 12:45….you repeat the tired mantra of the Dems with your comment about the GOP failing to see the positive impact of immigration. You fail to differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants. As the daughter of an immigrant to this nation, I and most of the population appreciate the positive impact of LEGAL immigration. However, there is a huge difference between LEGAL and illegal immigration (invasion). A nation who does not enforce its borders will cease to be a nation.. I challenge you to dispute this.

        1. Do you think illegal immigration rates are the only ones he is reducing? Further, calling illegal immigration an “invasion” as though the Mexican Army is storming the gates is hyperbolic crap and you know it.

          1. There are different definitions of invasion, but I see you latch onto the one that could be used to attempt to make our President look like he is exaggerating. If the rate of people attempting to come to the country legally is dropping, those are the breaks. Citizenship in America is not a right of non-citizens, and those who do it the legal way deserve respect. While some of us believe this country is worthy of maintaining, apparently some of us do not.

            1. I see you using the word invasion for rhetorical effect, so sorry if I call you out on your bs. Don’t like someone pointing it out? Don’t do it.

            2. And by the way, this “some of us do not think this country is worthy of maintaining” assumes the very thing being debated and is such a lazy, trite way of attempting to argue.

          2. What to you call it then when caravans of thousands of people march to our southern border with the sole intention of ignoring our laws if possible and illegally storming into our nation? I would call it an invasion. Is there any other nation that would allow that? .

            1. 1. “Storming into our nation” lol, my god you are over the top
              2. “Caravans” I see you seizing onto the rhetoric provided to you. Nicely done
              3. I’d call it attempted illegal immigration

              Sure, it ain’t as TERRIFYING as the words you would prefer to use, but when you are attempting a post-hoc justification of declaration of a national emergency, I get the need to really go for the throat with adjectives.

              1. Someone call the police, I am SAVAGELY ASSAULTING my keyboard with MERCILESS STRIKES

              2. I cán see that the truth really gets under your skin. You didn’t deny any of my statements though…you just wanted more mellow descriptions.

                1. The rhetoric was the very thing at issue, Springer. Saying that I didn’t address the issue because I was focused on what you are saying is asinine.

      2. You are such a simple soul as to think that any immigration is good and right: how cute! President Trump understands that illegal immigration is a big problem which is facilitate by the open border so cherished by the Democrats, and that open border also allows for the flow of drugs into the country; perhaps you’re not concerned about illegal drugs?

        Republicans are for legal, sensible immigration; Democrats are for completely open borders which will lead to the destruction of our country. I think it is a simplistic, albeit expected argument, of someone such as yourself to say that because President Trump wants to have legal, sensible immigration he is against immigration entirely. I understand that simple people such as yourself can’t grasp nuances in positions very well, but try to keep up.

        President Trump has not lead a blameless life-nobody has-but he is doing more for morality and Christian principles than Obummer, Bush, and Clinton did; he is pro-life, and that is in direct contrast to the Democrat party which is the party of unfettered, wholesale murder of the unborn. Again, perhaps this isn’t an issue about which you have any concerns.

        The Democrat party took God out of their platform by voting three times (like Peter in the Bible denied Jesus three times). The Democrat party also pushes against any restrictions to abortion and strives to make it legal in any and all circumstances.

        The Democrat party wants to allow those here illegally the ability to vote in OUR elections; these elections are for the citizens of this country to elect leaders, not for those here illegally to try to put in place leaders who wish to make citizenship cheap and not worth having.

        You seem to have a real chip on your shoulder.

        1. Why do you assume I am arguing for dems? You only seem to be capable of the sort of black and white thinking that dominates two-party politics in this country. If you don’t like what Republicans are doing, YOU MUST SUPPORT THE DEMS!

          But to go down your terrible arguments:

          1) Of course I don’t like illegal drugs. There has been little support provided that drugs are coming in large quantities through means outside of ports of entry that justifies billion dollar spends. I know that evidence is difficult to provide for a simple person such as yourself, but I truly hope you can work on getting some. Further, legal means of immigration are being cut by Trump as well, even with unemployment at low rates and business begging for workers.

          2) President Trump, a longtime abortion supporter, a man who cheats on his wives (WIVES, NOT WIFE) with multiple porn stars is the morality guy? The man who lies CONSTANTLY about big and little things is your touchstone for morality? Seriously, are you on glue?

          3) Good for taking god out of a party platform. It is not the government’s place to push religion. That is a private matter between a church and its parishioners. Small government though, right bub?

          I may have a chip on my shoulder, but at least I don’t have an abyss in my skull.

    2. As a Republican I am excited about the next Chair of the SDDP! Let the good times continue to roll!

  2. As a good Republican, I hereby announce my support for Ann Tornberg! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!

    She has done more for Republicans than any other Democrat could!

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