Elective Sex Change Ban for minors (House Bill 1057) passes committee on a 8-5 vote

After being amended, House Bill 1057, the bill that bans doctors from performing elective sex change procedures on minors has been passed out of House State Affairs Committee on a vote of 8-5 on an amended basis.

If I caught it correctly, during the committee, the bill was amended down from a felony to a Class 1 misdemeanor crime, among other changes.

Stay tuned for more on this bill – including how people voted –  later today.

7 thoughts on “Elective Sex Change Ban for minors (House Bill 1057) passes committee on a 8-5 vote”

        1. If in order to maintain those tax revenues we need to allow the mutilation of children, then I guess we have to let it go. Letting an organization such as the NCAA dictate to us what our morals are is bad policy. Next, maybe because we don’t have legalized marijuana we lose the Sioux Falls Canaries. Perhaps because we allow hunting in this state the Skyforce will leave. Some day maybe the Storm will leave because we allow people to fish.

    1. That will be on Haugaard. He represents the district that would most be affected and he voted for this.

  1. How do we look at the sexual mutilation of a child as a misdemeanor? Currently there is a South Dakota law against genital female mutilation. That is a class 4 felony. How is the harm being done to change a child’s sex less serious than FGM?

    1. I wonder the same about abortion. Is the murder of innocent children less serious than banning sex change for minors or sexual mutilation? Recent research now shows babies, in the womb, may feel pain after 13 weeks. Maybe legislators will take this fight up again?

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