National Constitution Party doesn’t seem enthused about either South Dakota faction assuming leadership of the party.

A few days back, I reported that Lora Hubbel seemed to be stymied in her attempt to obtain a declaration from the National Constitution Party to be named the leader of the party in SD, as the two factions in the State Constitution Party continue to bicker over who the real party is.

Even more interesting, it doesn’t sound as if the National Constitution Party is willing to declare anyone a winner.

According to the person who attempted to run for Governor under the banner of the opposing Constitution Party faction, Terry LaFleur, it doesn’t sound like the faction of the party currently chaired by former Sioux Falls City Mayoral Candidate Mike Gunn fared any better.

According to LaFleur’s post…

We were told come here and show the Credentials Committee that you have By-Laws, Checking Account for the Party, Statement of Organization, Financial Reports, a full Central Committee, and any other relevant documentation and we will Affiliate with the first group that shows us all that.

If I’m reading this correctly, and it’s an accurate statement, being named as proper representative by the National Constitution Party may be a ball that’s up in the air and open to the first group who can acceptably provide those things to the national group.

Which, if a third faction jumps in the leafpile, could shut out both the Hubbel and the LaFleur/Gunn groups.

According to the Secretary of State, the Constitution Party is no longer recognized in South Dakota, leaving the Libertarians as the only official third party group. To regain recognition, an organizing party group would have to obtain a minimum of 3,392 minimum valid signatures to form a recognized political party in the state.

Given that there were only 500 or so Constitution Party members in the state before they lost recognition, obtaining nearly 3400 valid signatures to form a new party might be a difficult hurdle for the group to muster.

Rendering LaFleur’s statement that “Mike wants to disaffiliate from NCP,” a moot point.

6 thoughts on “National Constitution Party doesn’t seem enthused about either South Dakota faction assuming leadership of the party.”

      1. Maybe Terry should sue the NCP for a hundred million dollars like he did with Lora. lol. You said you have thousands of supporters Terry, so it should be so easy to get those signatures. It might be good for you because you can be campaigning as you are doing it.

  1. Didn’t the Constitution Party not qualify for the ballot, so first off they don’t have a party anymore….

    Then who cares to be the head of a party no one respects, cares about or is a member of anymore…

  2. If the clowns want to fight over who is driving the clown car, by all means!

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