Attorney General Marty Jackley could be recommending jail time for Bosworth felony conviction.

Newly convicted felon Annette Bosworth may want to choose her words very carefully between now and sentencing.

Because, according to Attorney General Marty Jackley, they could have an effect as to whether the Attorney General’s office recommends jail time for the one-time Republican US Senate Candidate:

Marty JackleySouth Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley discusses the factors that will go into his sentencing recommendation…


“You know, part of that recommendation always is whether or not the defendant has accepted responsibility. And so, obviously there hasn’t been an acceptance of responsibility yet, but I want to keep an open mind as Attorney General to see whether or not in the next few weeks before sentencing there’s a change in position.”


“I also recognize that under South Dakota law for non-violent felonies such as this there’s a presumption of very limited or no actual jail time. And of course, that presumption is overcome sometimes by a defendant’s conduct.”

Read (and listen to) his comments at


One thought on “Attorney General Marty Jackley could be recommending jail time for Bosworth felony conviction.”

  1. If she had been prosecuted for all of the petitions she fraudulently signed, it would be clearer to all that she chose to cheat because she was most definitely in danger of not making the ballot. The AG’s office was very restrained.

    But what is worse than election fraud (for which 24 citizens of South Dakota first indicted her and then found her guilty) is blaming someone else and trying to destroy their life. She can never take back the lies she told about Joel Arends – lies the jury easily saw through. She even went as far as to use his own philanthropy against him by holding out the Philippines trip he organized as credibility for herself in her campaign to pin the blame on him for her crimes. She defamed him again during her trial by calling him a criminal in a Facebook post — as recently as two weeks ago. She is deplorable. Her medical license is supposed to take precedence over his legal license? What about his family and livelihood? It’s always all about Annette.

    Smearing a combat-experienced, decorated veteran and attorney is just the latest of Annette Bosworth’s history of bullying, theft and deception. She has a long documented track record of lying and ripping people off:

    1) she and her husband Chad have admitted they took a $200k loan from a woman in Utah and have left that woman high and dry;
    2) she has previously admitted to over-billing (defrauding) Medicare and was ordered to pay money back for that offense;
    3) she and her husband took money for a land raffle that never took place, and have never refunded the money to the people who bought raffle tickets;
    4) she admitted at trial that her national direct mail solicitations contained fabrications, so, she deceived people in order to get them to donate to her for her legal problems;
    5) it appears that she paid a public relations person to smear witnesses in her criminal petition case by holding them out for ridicule which could have had a chilling effect on the truth;
    6) she is a bully: she has publicly name-called: the poor (food stamp recipients), law enforcement, her own staff, has admitted verbally assaulting a detractor in the media with profanity and threats; more;
    7) she subjected patients to treatment by unlicensed medical staff (physicians assistant).

    She has gotten away with so much for so long. If she can expunge the felonies automatically in SD as a first time offender, and she is still deceptively raising money through direct mail, then what does the conviction or a fine themselves matter?

    Even one day in jail would be something she can’t expunge or scam money from others to pay away. Probation should be lengthy – like six years (6 months for each felony conviction). She and her husband are the definition of bad actors.

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