Sounds like the SF Police are telling liberal Mayoral Candidate Jolene Loetscher Hell No, Jo!
The Argus Leader has an article up this afternoon which completely takes the bark off of Loetscher, with the Sioux Falls chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police calling her campaign ads ‘misleading’ in a press release issued today:
The Sioux Falls chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, which represents the more than 200 law enforcement officers employed by the city of Sioux Falls, spoke out against the idea of turning community centers throughout the city into police precincts, a proposal made last month by Loetscher as a way to combat crime and address future space needs that could arise as the police department grows.
“We must be clear in our statement that the current proposal of ‘Precinct-Based Policing’ is something that is not supported by our membership within the Sioux Falls Police Department,” the group said in a news release issued Tuesday.
The statement also characterizes an advertisement used by the Loetscher campaign as “misleading.” The ad shows footage of the Sioux Falls Law Enforcement Center while stating the precinct policing proposal is supported by local law enforcement. The Fraternal Order of Police said the union nor its members – department officers and sergeants – were consulted before Loetscher went public with her proposal in March.
Uh oh, Jo. You probably should have spoken with the police before you filmed your ad.
Liberal Democrats have always struggled with being soft on crime but the reality is they are soft on law enforcement:
Law Enforcement as in police doing their job
Law Enforcement as reading the law and applying it as written.
This requires them to “have solutions” to growing crime. The new “liberal mantra” is to “put officers in the community” and break down distrust. So, Jo copied this new liberal solution and hoped it would obscure the reality she is just another soft on law enforcement Democrat.
Unfortunately for her, she didn’t read more than the summary page and didn’t realize it is for cities a lot bigger than Sioux Falls and their “precincts” are larger than our entire police department.
In short, her idea stinks and reality smacked her in the face. My problem is law enforcement is too serious to make up stuff about. She deserves the embarrassment she should be feeling.
Wait a minute, we have conservatives calling for less of a police presence? Well, that’s a new one.
Keep in mind, that having precincts would decentralize central’s control. There is an obvious reason why the powers that be within law enforcement would be against this. In fact, it’s analogous to a states’ rights struggle with the Feds.
Jo never said the FOA was backing this. She merely claimed that people in law enforcement backed her idea.
Showing the law enforcement center in a commercial is not wrong either. It is merely where people for and against the precinct idea happen to work……. Smart minds can differ and it is obvious that the current approach to fighting crime in this town is not working.
Oh, and who are currently in charge of fighting crime in Sioux Falls, oh yah, the “powers that be.”
What one of the council members is saying is that her proposal would add approximately 27 full-time administrative staff to the police department. NOT officers on the street.
And your point is? We need a lot more officers in this town, both on foot and in support positions, in order to get a hold of this crime wave?
Say it aint so Jo
Ok that made me laugh! 🙂
Is Steve Hildebrand giving “JO” liberal democratic direction?
This appears to be right out of his playbook …
Get back in your Hubbelcraft, “Very Stable Genius”. AKA “I have immensely inaccurate self-perception”
No doubt it was particularly offensive for her to have a State Trooper and a federal investigator stand on either side of her and tell the local cops how to police a jurisdiction that they’ve never taken a call in. Very poorly played by the candidate and indicative of a political novice.
So we’re not voting for political novices now? Here I thought the only qualifications you needed were to be on TV. Did we finally learn our lesson from Trump?
She is now getting a taste of labor’s desire to be relevant and have a say in things. If she does win the election, contract negotiations are right around the corner. A taste of things to come it would seem. Welcome to big league ball.