2 sides present arguments for and against Amendment H at Dakota News Now

Dakota News Now has this weeks’ edition of their weekly news program, Matters of the State, on-line via their website; this week featuring the arguments in favor of and against Amendment H:

You can watch the entire program here at Dakota News Now.

2 thoughts on “2 sides present arguments for and against Amendment H at Dakota News Now”

  1. Ugh
    (1) doesn’t Hayes own a suit and tie?

    (2) too many “uhs” and “y’knows” too

    (3) failed to point out that independents can vote in the Republican primaries if they change their voter registrations to Republican, it’s free and easy to do.

    Independents don’t vote in primaries because they don’t want to. If they wanted to participate in party politics they would. It really is that simple.

  2. Of course the Dems and Pubs are opposed! They are the ones getting a free ride on the tax payer while disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of voters.
    They don’t want to lose any power.

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