20 West River Sheriffs Endorse Governor Noem for Re-Election

20 West River Sheriffs Endorse Governor Noem for Re-Election

FEBRUARY 7, 2022 Pierre, SD – Today, 20 South Dakota County Sheriffs from the “West River” region of the state endorsed Governor Kristi Noem for re-election. The West River sheriffs are the first round of endorsements from law enforcement and first responder leaders that Governor Kristi Noem’s campaign has released with more to come throughout the year.

Governor Noem stated the following in announcing these endorsements:
“I’m honored to receive these endorsements today. Throughout this state, sheriffs are on the front lines in the constant battle to maintain law and order for our local communities. Safety for its citizens is a fundamental responsibility of government. I’m grateful for the confidence the West River Sheriffs have in my administration and look forward to working with them on the many challenges we face every day to ensure our communities are safe.”

Pennington County Sheriff Kevin Thom stated the following about endorsing Governor Kristi Noem for re-election:

“The people of South Dakota value their law enforcement officers and value the leaders that make them a priority. While some other states were caving and abandoning their law enforcement officers, Governor Noem never wavered in her support. Governor Noem has been a true friend to South Dakota law enforcement and I am proud to endorse her re-election for Governor of South Dakota.”

List of West River Sheriffs endorsing Governor Noem, in alphabetical order by County:

    • Bennett County Sheriff Paul Williams
    • Butte County Sheriff Fred Lamphere
    • Corson County Sheriff Alan Dale
    • Custer County Sheriff Marty Mechaley
    • Dewey County Sheriff Dan Assman
    • Fall River County Sheriff Robert Evans
    • Gregory County Sheriff Timothy Drey
    • Haakon County Sheriff Fred Koester
    • Harding County Sheriff Wyatt Sabo
    • Jackson County Sheriff Matt Haugen
    • Jones County Sheriff Rich Sylva
    • Lawrence County Sheriff Brian Dean
    • Lyman County Sheriff Steve Manger
    • Meade County Sheriff Ron Merwin
    • Pennington County Sheriff Kevin Thom
    • Perkins County Sheriff Kelly Serr
    • Stanley County Sheriff Brad Rathbun
    • Todd County Sheriff Barry Bailey
    • Tripp County Sheriff Shawn Pettit
    • Ziebach County Sheriff Gary Cudmore
Press Contact:
Joe Desilets, Campaign Manager
[email protected]

15 thoughts on “20 West River Sheriffs Endorse Governor Noem for Re-Election”

  1. She did sue us in order to keep marijuana illegal to support their jobs, so if she didn’t get this support, I would be disappointed. 40% of all crime in South Dakota is Marijuana related, 1 in 10 arrests were for marijuana. New crimes are needed to replace this, I think they are moving to illegal books and long hair in the south already. What should we do in South Dakota?

  2. Do endorsement announcements like this really matter anymore? Its nice and all but does it really change a voters mind?

  3. Not too surprising for endorsements as they all value their livelihood with the threat of NoemThomTrumpism affecting their careers.

  4. Thom got his last endorsement in before he quits. He built his career on tracking down marijuana users, now that it will be legal, there is nothing left for him to do. Just like Trump, he’s a sore loser.

  5. Law enforcement will need to recruit more officers due to the black market booming in a commercialized environment. Governor Noem was right that government will grow and substantially to deal with the mess this commercialized drug will bring including stressing support services.

    1. So it’s you’re idiotic take that the black market will actually EXPAND with legal marijuana?

      1. These guys believe something will happen here that has never happened in any other state that legalized Marijuana. You can’t reason with reefer madness republicans.

        1. They also seem to think there’s no black market for it now. Smooth brains, all of them.

  6. Are they all Constitutional sheriffs? Do any of them have the guts to stand up to the Feds on OUR behalf with regards to property rights? Pennington County sheriff candidate Ryan Mechaley does and that’s why we (our family) is supporting him.

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