28B House Candidate Travis Ismay apparently observes “White History Month?” Why do we have these guys stinking up the place?

Not sure how this got past me earlier in the election. A correspondent sent this over on Travis Ismay, District 28B House Republican candidate, noting one of his favorite cultural observations. White History Month.

Why do we have these awful candidates stinking up the place?

Not sure what the Revolutionary war has to do with skin color. Pretty sure the people we fought against were easily sunburned as well.

Do you think he’ll give up all pretext for this years’ celebration, and wear a pointy white hat around town?

Dear God. Please don’t elect this guy.

9 thoughts on “28B House Candidate Travis Ismay apparently observes “White History Month?” Why do we have these guys stinking up the place?”

  1. They say this stuff right out in the open. On Facebook too. Mixed in with a whole lot of “God bless you” talk. Of course.

  2. We all know white males are the most discriminated against and life is so rough for them. I’m glad they continue to say the quiet part out loud. Very fine people.

  3. Racism is the biggest block in the way of this country becoming “a more perfect union”.

  4. Oh look, another openly racist SDGOPer and “aw shucks” handwringing from the flaccid house organ.

  5. Good for Travis! I just voted for him because I’m sick and tired of liberals like the author of this article

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