2q FEC Reports – Dusty Johnson puts up $232k raised, against $71k spent, giving him $4.6M cash on hand for fall election

Dusty Johnson’s campaign is raising big cash in preparation for the fall election against Democrat Sheryl Johnson.

Dusty Johnson 2q 2024 FEC by Pat Powers on Scribd

Dusty filed his FEC report today showing $232,162.19 raised against only $71,148.41 in expenses, allowing him to report cash on hand of $4,665,427.25 as he prepares for his fall contest. Thats not counting another $90,924.99 he raised through his Dakota Leadership PAC, which Johnson is also using to support candidates in North Dakota, Iowa and other states.

Dem Sheryl Johnson has not reported her most recent fundraising period, but at last report showed $30,617.20 cash on hand.

One thought on “2q FEC Reports – Dusty Johnson puts up $232k raised, against $71k spent, giving him $4.6M cash on hand for fall election”

  1. I think this shows only what was raised the last month of the quarter. There was a pre-primary report filed, as well.

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