A column by First Lady Linda Daugaard: SD Reaches Lowest Ever Infant Mortality Rate

SD Reaches Lowest Ever Infant Mortality Rate
A column by First Lady Linda Daugaard:

It has been six-and-a-half years since Dennis was first elected, and since then a number of things have changed in our lives. We have become grandparents, and our five grandkids – all age four or younger – brighten our days and amuse us to no end.

A number of things have changed in South Dakota as well. On May 1, the state released new data which shows more South Dakota babies are celebrating their first birthday.

In 2012, South Dakota had a relatively high infant mortality rate of 8.6 deaths per 1,000 live births. Our rate was higher than the rates in surrounding states of North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Montana and Nebraska.

We’ve made progress since then, and in 2016, South Dakota reported its lowest ever rate of infant deaths: 4.8 deaths per 1,000 births. That’s a drop by nearly half since 2012.

In 2011, Dennis asked me to chair the Governor’s Task Force on Infant Mortality. In our research, we found three major contributors to infant mortality: tobacco use, lack of prenatal care in the first trimester and unsafe sleep practices.

Research shows babies in South Dakota are twice as likely to die before their first birthday if their mothers smoke during pregnancy. The new data shows an improvement over the 2011 numbers, with 3.3 percent fewer pregnant women who smoked during pregnancy.

Along with abstaining from tobacco products, it’s critically important for expectant mothers to seek the care they need during the first trimester. In South Dakota, 72.7 percent of women received prenatal care in the first trimester last year. That’s also an improvement from the 2011 percentage. I found it was easiest to remember the ABCs of safe sleep: ALONE, on their BACKS and in a CRIB.

Also before baby is born, expectant parents should learn about safe sleep practices. Infants need to sleep on a firm surface covered by a fitted sheet. Pillows, blankets, toys and crib bumpers should not be in the crib. Babies need to be placed on their back and it’s best for them to sleep in light clothing in a smoke-free environment. Family members and other caregivers also need to know about these important practices.

Since the task force issued its findings, I’ve been traveling around the state to talk about the avoidable causes of infant mortality and to gain support for the South Dakota Cribs For Kids program. Under this program, private organizations and donors have partnered with the Department of Health to provide Safe Sleep Kits to families without a safe sleep option that show a financial need. The kit includes a portable crib, crib sheet, sleep sack, informational DVD, children’s book and pacifier. So far, 7,915 parents and other caregivers have received these cribs. 

It’s wonderful news that more babies are celebrating their first birthdays. If we continue to promote safe sleep guidelines for infants, help pregnant women stop smoking, and remind expectant mothers about early and ongoing prenatal care, we can support that encouraging trend. 

Learn more about healthy pregnancies and safe sleep guidelines at the Department of Health’s Website: ForBabySakeSD.com.


2 thoughts on “A column by First Lady Linda Daugaard: SD Reaches Lowest Ever Infant Mortality Rate”

  1. No statistics out however on government compliancy rates. They must be through the roof!

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