A month later, Northern State University is just going to drop the whole ‘dropping Gypsy Days’ thing.

Remember last month when Northern State University decided to drop Gypsy Days as not being politically correct?

The university is now going to refer to the week of festivities capped by a Saturday football game simply as homecoming, though a new theme could emerge from a student effort.

Talk of distancing from the name goes back to 2019, according to university officials.

Justin Fraase, vice president for enrollment, communications and marketing, said that since his arrival on campus four years ago, and even before, outside groups have made comments on social media and sent letters and emails about discontinuing the use of Gypsy Days.

Read that here.

Yeah. A month after someone got all puffed up on political correctness… it sounds like all of the air has sputtered out that trial balloon:

Statement from NSU Senior Cabinet:

Upon further review, Northern State University will not pursue changing the name of Gypsy Days. After hearing from a substantial number of stakeholders, the university has elected to withdraw its plans to rename the homecoming celebration.

The university was not looking to address this in the middle of a pandemic, but due to several circumstances, we announced our intention to change the event’s name. We simply are not looking to create more strife during this stressful time.

Now, following a two-year parade hiatus, due to weather and COVID-19, we look forward to celebrating this year’s Gypsy Days events (Sept. 27 – Oct. 2, 2021), and all of the ongoing successes at Northern.

Go Wolves!

-NSU Senior Cabinet

Read all of that here.

2 thoughts on “A month later, Northern State University is just going to drop the whole ‘dropping Gypsy Days’ thing.”

  1. Best guess is that a few of their biggest financial supporters responded to this cancel culture garbage unfavorably and ‘woke’ them up to the fact they were being snowflakes.

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