Amendment H Ad tags off of SDSU vs. USD Game this weekend

The Amendment H – SD Open Primaries group has a new ad up, tagging off of Saturday’s SDSU Game where that team from Vermillion is going to make an appearance:

4 thoughts on “Amendment H Ad tags off of SDSU vs. USD Game this weekend”

  1. No one is prevented from voting in a primary election now. If you want to vote for a certain candidate, make sure you are registered in that party. After the election, you can change registration back to independent or either party. This ad is disingenuous.

    1. Sounds like a barrier or undue hardship for me to exercise my right to vote. Would you be willing to apply the same hoops for all of our rights?

    2. Well that’s kind of the theme in campaign ads, isn’t it? The other side of this saying “don’t California our South Dakota”, as if that’s the only other state to use this method, or suggesting that’s the reason for California’s problems is just as disingenuous. Sadly, it’s the way it works. Manipulate through fear, anger, and vague half truths. I’ll vote for it because the extremists that get supported in the primaries are going to ruin the state’s government. I’m confident this measure will lead to moderation.

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