Another group out calling Sioux Falls event with self-described ‘black-nazi’ Mark Robinson as “embarrassing”

From my mailbox:

Republicans for Freedom Amendment G: Self-Described ‘Black Nazi’ Mark Robinson in South Dakota to Raise Money to Defeat Abortion Rights, Visit Called ‘An Insult to Republicans’

Sioux Falls, SD… former GOP State Representative Casey Murschel, chair of Republicans for Freedom Amendment G, today called the upcoming South Dakota visit of North Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson “an insult to every Republican in our state.”

“It is embarrassing and offensive to have a Republican group, Dakota First Action, celebrating Republican primary election victories by inviting an anti-woman misogynist to South Dakota,” Murschel said.

“It is doubly embarrassing and offensive to have a ‘2024 Victory Gala’ for Republicans that is obviously designed to raise money to oppose Freedom Amendment G featuring a man who openly calls himself a ‘Black Nazi’,” she added.

“This Mark Robinson gala is asking for donations of up to $20,000 per person. There are virtually no seriously contested legislative races in South Dakota this year. Every top Republican in the state has publicly opposed Freedom Amendment G. So where do you think these Robinson-raised dollars will go, to the tooth fairy?” Murschel asked. “No,” she said, “Robinson is in South Dakota to raise money for his favorite cause, banning abortion, and everybody knows it. He wants to help save the total abortion ban from Amendment G, which would repeal it.”

“South Dakota Republicans, from Noem and Thune on down, should repudiate this visit. On behalf of the tens of thousands of South Dakota Republicans who believe in personal freedom for women, we repudiate his visit and vehemently object to his raising money to prevent even women who have been raped from having the right to terminate their pregnancy,” Murschel said.

“You are known by the company you keep,” she added. “Robinson’s donors, staff, and even Donald Trump have stepped away from him. Not a good look for South Dakotans to embrace him.”“This whole sorry episode is the best reason I can imagine for Republicans to vote yes on G and show everyone that the personal freedom that Abraham Lincoln founded our party to preserve remains our core value today,” Murschel concluded.


Ugh. Why do they call Doeden’s Dumpster PAC a Republican group? They don’t claim us, and we Republicans certainly don’t claim them.

9 thoughts on “Another group out calling Sioux Falls event with self-described ‘black-nazi’ Mark Robinson as “embarrassing””

  1. Until Party Leadership disavow and call out Robinson and Doeden for being the pieces of shit that they are, the cheap association attacks won’t stop.

  2. It’s difficult to determine which group calling themselves Republicans is more “offensive” and “embarrassing” to the Republican party; Dakota First Action or Republicans for Freedom Amendment G?
    Casey Murshel and her group are joined at the hip with the extreme Leftwing of the Democrat party. Ms. Murshel’s support of the termination of human life up to the very moment of birth is not only immoral, it is in direct conflict to the position taken by the SD Republican party and a majority of its members. She is definitely not one to cite in the crusade again Dakota First Action and her public pronouncement here reeks of the pot calling the kettle black.

    1. And I’d toss her back in the bin along with her opinions if the state hadnt tried to go handmaid’s tale and forced women to bear their rapist’s children. We could have had a sane, reasonable abortion law consistent with South Dakotans’ CLEAR will on this issue as evidenced by past votes, but they had to push it. Well, you all sowed the wind.

      1. If Amendment G passes, the legislature should immediately enact legislation to have abortion covered by Medicaid….and then set the reimbursement at the lowest amount the federal government allows.
        This will punish the providers without hurting the women a bit.
        They’re asking for it.

  3. This event has nothing to do with Amendment G.

    They are raising money for Doeden’s PAC which will be used to pay off his “loan” (illegal contribution) and to fund campaigns in two years. Not a dime of this money will be used to oppose Amendment G.

    Shame on Murschel for conflating these two unrelated issues. Lots of good people oppose Toby Doeden and also oppose Amendment G and she shouldn’t paint with such a broad brush.

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