Another postcard – Russell holds Rampelberg to task for support of Education Tax

In yet another postcard issued for the primary, State Senate Candidate Lance Russell takes Bruce Rampelberg to task for his vote in favor of the educational tax plan passed by the state legislature – a plan that cost District 30 teachers.


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In education funding formula changes, there will always be winners and losers, and in this case, it may very well cost Rampelberg his seat, as conventional wisdom has Russell running stronger than the incumbent because of this, and Rampelberg’s support for a Democrat-led State Income tax effort in 2015 & 16.

6 thoughts on “Another postcard – Russell holds Rampelberg to task for support of Education Tax”

  1. Lance Russell is a good looking devil.

    I really like him and hope that he will emerge as the frontman for conservatives this year with Brock Greenfield.

    Rampelberg is a good man. Good people running in this race.

  2. IT would be interesting to know how many bills Russell and Rambelberg each passed.

  3. For some reason, I doubt Russell or his constituents are too interested in passing more laws. Probably a little more interested in keeping laws off the books.

  4. “In changing the formula, there is always going to be winners and losers”
    Not when your adding 70 million in new money to the formula! The whole plan favored large schools and Bruce is representing small schools. He sealed his fate when he voted for the tax increase.

  5. When I mentioned the winners and losers to my representative (who voted for the tax increase), he said he hadn’t heard any district complaining about being negatively impacted!

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