Anti-pipeline group appears to be running ridiculous billboard claiming Watertown is in a KILL ZONE.

I had this sent over to me by a reader. And people wonder why I think the anti-ethanol people are a pack of crackpots?  As they post a billboard claiming “Watertown: YOU are in the KILL ZONE!”

Seriously? Why don’t they claim that it may cause a pack of wild dingoes to steal people’s babies? Because it makes as much sense. It’s like Trent Loos claiming that 100 people are killed every year by CO2 canisters as part of this debate.

Well, 500 people are killed annually by hippopotamuses. But that doesn’t stop us from finding them irresistible.

Deadlier than alleged C02 accidents they claim, but we just can’t get enough.

But getting back to the point – the billboard is just ridiculous. And an example why we can’t take these clowns seriously about anything. (But that baby hippo is a cute little spud).


I forgot to mention that the billboard does not seem to have a disclaimer, in violation of South Dakota law.

5 thoughts on “Anti-pipeline group appears to be running ridiculous billboard claiming Watertown is in a KILL ZONE.”

  1. Tell that to the people in Sulfer Louisiana and Satartia, Mississippi, who have already experienced issues with their C02 pipelines which are supposed to be so safe and harmless; who are the liars and fear mongers now? When safety to the communities doesn’t come first, you’re just another low-life money grubber!

  2. Wake up people, this law doesn’t just pertain to CO2 pipeline, it takes away any local control for any pipeline, C02, Gas, Oil, etc…or, any transmission line of anything…

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