Are you Team MTG, or Team Boebert as they have a war of words on the House Floor.

Sounds like a rough day at the office, as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Laura Boebert have words on the House Floor:

According to two sources that saw the exchange and a third familiar with the matter, the back and forth began when Boebert approached Greene—then seated in the chamber—and confronted her over “statements you made about me publicly.” All three of the sources said Greene called Boebert a “bitch.” One of the sources said Greene called her “a little bitch.”

According to two of the sources, Greene then stood up and alleged that Boebert “copied my articles of impeachment,” to which the Colorado lawmaker fired back that she hadn’t even read Greene’s resolution.

“I’ve donated to you, I’ve defended you. But you’ve been nothing but a little bitch to me,” Greene told Boebert, according to a source who witnessed the exchange. “And you copied my articles of impeachment after I asked you to cosponsor them.”

Read it all here.

Why can’t we all get along?

33 thoughts on “Are you Team MTG, or Team Boebert as they have a war of words on the House Floor.”

  1. MTG sold out to the House Leadership. Boebert has been a Lion in support of the farthest right, “most conservative” wing…the Tubervilles and Gohmerts”. My money is on Boebert in 12 rounds. MTG has shown weakness and inconsistency.

  2. Don’t you see…they need neither intelligence or decorum. The more outrageous their positions and the more rowdy their behavior is, the more popular they are. They are a phenomena within the Party and bring new voters to our side.

    1. In what world does this boorish behavior bring in more moderate, swing voters? Voters that all flatly rejected Trump in 2020? This is nothing but embarrassing, hopefully both get primaries by sane individuals that have an IQ above room temperature.

  3. In general, women don’t work well together. Wait for it: this will deteriorate into a “it wasn’t what you said, it was the way you said it” dispute.

    1. I’ve found that women who’s attitudes have left the trailer park are more than capable of working just fine together.

  4. Ok GOP, the issue is NOT who drafted the articles but who took a foreign bribe and is now occupying the Oval Office. Why has it taken so long to move on this?!

  5. Ap is the voter we’re after. Ap, if he is the previously disaffected person who rarely voted in elections is a bonus. He counts as two voters….one we got and one the Democrats will never get. We are the minority party, we need to broaden our tent, and the disaffected are the largest pool of potential voters available. They are the 40% of citizens who generally choose not to vote.

    1. All crap. Your analysis is about 2-6 years too late. 2016 Trump was about the disaffected voter. If it matters, I vote. We’re facing real problems on the two issues that really drive voters to the polls, the economy and national security. The occasional issues, culture and education are up for grabs too. The Biden bribe is a real concern, treat it like that instead of thinking you’re going to ride it all the way to Election Day. As they say pee or get off the pot. Then move to the issues that always matter. The majority is fluid and the winner this cycle will be the side that can articulate the real concerns. Democrats have dug themselves into a hole with gender, Biden, education and Justice targeting. Are republicans going to spend the next year burrowing into the same hole? Hope not.

      1. any analysis of 2016 vs 2020 shows that the clinton campaign staff didn’t turn out their vote in the battleground states, they misread the overwhelming lead they had in blue states. 2020 was the same on the gop side right down to the vote count but in 2020 democrat workers turned out the battleground state voters they ignored in 2016.

        1. Yes and no. 2016 saw the centuries worst candidate atop the centuries worst campaign v trump. Trump lost traditional GOP voters and replaced some with new voters. Dems improved operations in 2020, GOP really didn’t. If 2024 is Biden v trump it’ll be the senile v the angry. No way to win this next cycle on personality. We’ve had enough time to work out the operational kinks and I don’t expect either party to commit these same mistakes in 24. Again, we fall back to the bread and butter issues that have always driven voters. And no, I don’t think it’ll be Biden or trump.

          1. you guys constantly discount biden to your doom and ruin. laugh at lunchpail joe all you want, do all the “left-and-right-activists-both-hate-him” stories you want, biden absolutely knows the path to the center of the country, and the silent majority which really never went away no matter how much you believe the 2009 TEA party wave is still brewing out there. (it’s not). biden is still bugs bunny and you guys are still yosemite sam.

            1. Not discounting Biden. Broken record warning. The issues are and will be 1. Economy 2. National security 3. Social and education. If the democrats get their poop in a group they win. If the GOP get their poop in a group e we win. This is NOT a personality election. MSM would love it if the GOP spent the next 1.5 years debating trump v DeSantis, or is Biden competent. The sooner we start talking about the things that really bothers voters the better we’ll do

              1. agreed. you turned incredibly agreeworthy there. i have no more to add. that’s the winning attitude right there.

  6. The trouble with bringing articles of impeachment forward is that Biden is not competent to stand trial.
    So it’s a waste of time.

  7. Stunning. A powder-puff piece on a hissy-fit fight to distract from the fact that the real election-deniers are those who insist that the Mueller Report ever held merit. Now we’ve got establishment R’s telling us that the current Trump indictment raises ‘serious concerns’ for his candidacy. Yeah right.
    Some people are slow learners or just plain corrupt.

    1. Ah yeah, because keeping top secret nuclear documents that CAN NOT be declassified right beside a guest toilet is not an issue.

    1. Kind of like Betty & Veronica. Except I’d go for Veronica in this instance.

  8. Both, an embarrassment to humanity!! No class! Not educated! Bottom dwellers! Yes, I belong to the same party as these misfits.

  9. whenever these two are taking up each others’ time, it’s a chance for the whole rest of the gop to get work done, and revel in a temporarily higher group iq average.

    1. also, to imply in any way that the behavior of these two is generally reflective of female workplace behavior, is an insult to every other working woman on the planet.

        1. if you intentionally recruited and hired women who act like these two, especially mtg, you’re on your own.

  10. enquirer–you are correct. These two, and George Santos and others in and out of the Party are really outliers, not representative of much of anything. Question: How did MTG and Lauren the Terrible get elected???

  11. Republicans are going to blow it in 2024 with this crap. There are proven statesmen/women who fight for the conservative movement and rise above the political chaos i.e. Haley, Pence, Scott etc. Unfortunately most reasonable people avoid public service for their own sanity. Both major parties are quickly being taken over by wacktivists addicted to personality-politics and who jump at every available quick jab/twitter spat/PR stunt/boycott etc., further driving division and wasted time/energy/resources and never actually getting anything done of substantial impact. This applies to both parties, and both candidates and voters. We’re at a crossroads. Choose wisely. I’m supporting Nikki Haley, for the party’s sake, and the country.

  12. Not “Betty and Veronica;”
    more like “Thelma and Louise.”

    anybody got a 1966 Ford Thunderbird they would be willing to donate?

  13. Two members of the Banana Republican Party. It is sad to see the downward spiral.

  14. It is just plain sad that about 40% of the GOP membership prefers following the latest internet conspiracy theory to the common sense leadership of candidates like Haley, Scott, Hutchinson and others. Hopefully, we can iron this out in the primaries…we need a strong turn out.

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