Attendance dismal at Democrat training camp

I had a note and a photo from one of my spies today.  

Apparently the Democrat activist and candidate training camp held by the SDDP this weekend fell a bit flat, as you can see from this photo showing maybe 20 people (assuming there aren’t a few speakers there) in attendance at an event set up with seating for 100 or more.
Perhaps it’s a good indicator that reality falls far less than expectations, given SD Democrat’s far left agenda in South Dakota?

18 thoughts on “Attendance dismal at Democrat training camp”

  1. Pretty sure they had three different training tracks throughout the weekend, this picture being of one of the three groups.

    1. Additionally, this is of one of the groups meeting in the main room (hence the larger number of chairs relative to people in the picture). Get better spies!

  2. Love Suzy Blake up there lecturing them. Topic surely was how to make friends and influence people. Oh wait, that wouldn’t make sense. How about the topic you know you are smarter than everyone why won’t they simple do what you say.

  3. Susie Blake should be much more fun to listen to than an I-Pad or Smart Phone! ( Back half five for sure out of the equation of stellar listeners.)

  4. I was there Saturday, looked like about 100 when the whole group gathered. Pretty nice turnout for a beautiful sunshine filled Saturday in South Dakota. All nice people, Pat. You don’t need to send spies. You’d be welcome. I noticed that when Sen. Billie Sutton spoke at the noon luncheon about working toward an even better South Dakota the busy food service staff came out of the kitchen and listened intently to his message. It was a sorta cool thing to see, all politics aside.

    1. “It was a sorta cool thing to see, all politics aside”

      Unless you were the employer of the staff. Not so kool.

      I bet the publisher/owner of South Dakota magazine would not tolerate his employees reading or commenting on DWC in the office.

      But that’s what Dems are all about–do as they say, not as they do, right?

  5. I hope to god that Tim Johnson is not delivering a video message.

    The audience would be there all day.

  6. was Krazy Larry and Kory there? 2016 is going to be an even worse year for the democrats in the state.

    1. They only show at these events if they can get the gullible Rev. Hickey to pay their expenses.

      1. Krazy Larry probably had a candidate training segment on how to win elections by pushing for drug legalization.

        1. I hear that he did make a presentation.

          No one saw it though–the projection was obscured by some great Colorado Golden Toque wafting through the conference room.

    1. According to the Johnson family, Tim is/was perfectly fine and capable of being a US senator.

      Or are you suggesting that being a [former] US senator is a disability?

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