Attorney General Jackley Releases Final Explanation for Proposed 2026 Initiated Measure on Prayer in Schools

Attorney General Jackley Releases Final Explanation for Proposed 2026 Initiated Measure on Prayer in Schools

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley has released the final ballot explanation for the proposed initiated measure that would require non-denominational prayer in public schools, which would be on the 2026 general election ballot if approved. The sponsor of the proposed initiated measure is Hillel Hellinger of North Miami Beach, Fla.

The Attorney General does not take a position on any such proposal. State law requires the Attorney General to draft a title and explanation for each initiated measure, initiated constitutional amendment, constitutional amendment proposed by the Legislature, or referred measure that may appear on an election ballot.

If the required 17,509 valid signatures are gathered and approved by the South Dakota Secretary of State’s Office, the proposed initiated measure will be placed on the 2026 general ballot. A majority of the votes cast in the general election will be needed to pass the measure.

The Attorney General’s explanation was finalized after a review of all the comments received during the 10-day comment period on the Attorney General’s draft explanation. A total of 41 comments were received.

Language for the proposed initiated measure can be found here.

For more information regarding ballot measures, please visit the Secretary of State’s website.


12 thoughts on “Attorney General Jackley Releases Final Explanation for Proposed 2026 Initiated Measure on Prayer in Schools”

  1. Whenever the AG’s explanation includes “this may be challenged in court,” it means it stinks, it will be challenged in court,& the state will spend lots of taxpayers’ money defending it and will lose.

  2. When interviewed, Mr. Hellinger said he wanted to do this in South Dakota because he had to get far less signatures for his project than he would need in Florida. Hellinger didn’t say he would defend the law, but that he wanted it done. South Dakota really needs to put a stop to the out-of-state vanity lawseekers.

    1. can the state sue him for damages, for the cost of defending this pile of manure he has dumped here?
      I would so be in favor of that.
      Or send the bill to the fools who signed the petition?

  3. I’m delighted to see all but two of the comments are against this horrible idea. And one of those was from Mr. Hillel himself.

  4. We just turned money down from the federal government because we are so fiscally responsible, yet we will pay for this lawsuit? This endless spending spree by the Republicans will not end well. I am starting to hear more and more people complain about the ever-increasing tax burden in our state. You will see this November the call to end tax on food. Will the SD GOP ever wake up and realize they need to slow down on the spending, or will they continue with this autocratic theocracy form of government push?

  5. Let it happen. Set aside time if students want to. But should not be mandated by law. After all business/schools etc have to allow Muslims the right to prayer. Those that than wish to can do so. Those that don’t. Don’t. But each side leave other alone. Start using common sense.

  6. This is the dumbest most ignorant measure I’ve seen in about 20 minutes.
    1. Why is someone from Florida worried about the people of South Dakota and how we do things?
    2. Why the need and the urge to force people to pray specific words at a specific place and at a specific time? Pray whatever, wherever, whenever. No one cares.
    3. Does this apply to Hinduism? Islam? Judaism?

    1. 1. People from Florida know South Dakotans are so dumb and ignorant that we’ll vote it in and pay for the lawsuit for them. Don’t worry; we can raise our property taxes to pay for it.
      2. According to my religion, if I force enough people to “pray,” Jesus will come down and save me from having to die. This will be part of my reward for giving everything I have to the rich people in this life. I can’t accept this life and my situation, so I am putting in some effort to get a reward in the next.
      3. No, that is not how my story goes; Jesus is going to rescue me.

  7. The Satanic Temple has been booming in states like Iowa and Florida. They would look to expand if South Dakota approves this.

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