Brandei Schaefbauer’s says vote No on Amendment E “because it’s happening all over we the country!” Despite her earlier vote in favor of it.

Pn Amendment E, the bill proposed to fix the language in the state constitution regarding recognizing that women are elected to office too (Which they’ve been truing to fix since 1889 or so).. this popped up on facebook a few days back, where State Representative Brandei Schaefbauer was declaring her terror over the Constitution being gender neutralized!:

Heavens to Betsy! We’d better start clutching those pearls! Brandei Schefbauer is all of a sudden in fear over about gender neutralizing our State Constitution – as if it’s going to go in the same bathroom as her!  (I imagine her yelling “Get out of here Constitution! I’m trying to powder my nose!”)

I’m not sure where she suddenly developed her Constitutional gender-phobia from, since it wasn’t a problem when she was one of the votes in favor of it back in 2023:

How did Brandei’s “Yes” vote get through?  She must have been confused by everyone voting yes before her.  Keep in mind when you go to the voting booth tomorrow – Brandei Schaefbauer thinks you should vote No because Women are being recognized as able to hold office all over “we the country.”  And we’d better stop that!


Is the election over yet? I just want to stop the stupid, even for just a moment.

12 thoughts on “Brandei Schaefbauer’s says vote No on Amendment E “because it’s happening all over we the country!” Despite her earlier vote in favor of it.”

  1. Apparently Brandie was not fully indoctrinated by the far right at the time of her vote. This far right movement is as crazy as the woke movement.

  2. All we know is that opened our mailbox on Saturday and found a political postcard saying Al Novstrup and Brandei Schaefbauer paid $250.00 each to attend an event with the main speaker claiming he was a Nazi, made anti semitic comments, wants slavery to come back and denies the Holocaust ever happened.

    What the heck happened to these two? Do they not know better? Are they that dumb? They are supposed to represent Aberdeen and this does not represent us! Where is the media? It is embarrassing!

    We were out doing yardwork and our neighbors are shocked and angry too!

  3. She’s an embarrassment to Dist. 3, in more ways than one. She and her supreme leader with the terrible haircut, both need to go. I voted democrat for the first time in all my 58 years, thanks to those two!

    Wake up Dist 3. Their “team work” that “works” for D3 is strangling and starving us to death.

  4. Reading into her language, I am betting she’s formed a conspiracy that gender neutral language would somehow make the constitution inapplicable.

    People have lost their goddamned minds. So tired of these screaming lunatics.

  5. These Mark Robinson postcards stirred up a hornets nest. Sounds like whomever is not defeated this election that attended this event will be the goal for removal in 2026. Never seen this before! Neighbors are volunteering to run and get these radicals out.

  6. Brandi is not capable of an original thought. She has no ability to take a challenging stance, when she believes in something, because she believes in nothing…and only does what Al, Carl, and her new guy tell her to do.

    I feel really bad for the people she represents. Because they aren’t represented.

      1. District 3 does not have any representation and has not for years. All catering to a very small extreme segment of the population. Meanwhile our district has suffered many losses economically and in other areas.

  7. Honestly, this is more of a statement of their “disapproval” of Governor Kristi Noem’s handling of the state the last two years. Remember this is something she pushed for at the State of the State Address back in January. A lot of the people now opposed to this(Brandei is not the only legislator who voted yes then and now a no) are also opposed to RL21 that Governor Noem signed and approved of back in March.

    P.S. Governor Noem has fingerprints on a number of different ballot measures this year.
    Imagine how humiliating it would be for her if Amendment E fails, Amendment G passes and Referred Law 21 fails.

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