Brookings School District holding list of Superintendent Applicants as confidential.

In a letter/release to Brookings School District Families from the Brookings School District, the Brookings School Board is interviewing four candidates to replace current Superintendent Klint Willert who was forced to resign after a number of issues arose with his performance.

Breaking from the last time the job was open, the District is not releasing the list of interviewees ahead of time, and is holding names until such time that interviews are compete:

April 26th, 2023

The Brookings School Board is pleased to announce they have selected four candidates to formally interview for the next Superintendent of the Brookings School District.

The Board has been working with Dakota Education Consulting, a South Dakota based firm- specializing in Superintendent searches. Dakota Education Consulting is led by Tom Oster, a long time South Dakota school administrator and superintendent. Applications came from four different states with a strong presence of South Dakota candidates.

Dakota Education Consulting has utilized a search and interview method to assist school districts for over 170 searches.

The Brookings School Board has narrowed the pool to four candidates. All candidates have accepted the opportunity to interview. Per the Dakota Education Consulting search process and to respect the candidate’s confidentiality, names will not be released prior to the interviews.

Interviews will be held Saturday, April 29th. The candidates will meet with four different groups, each composed of 10-15 members. The four groups include a community and parent group, staff and teachers, administration team, and the school board and business manager. As per South Dakota law, the interviews are held in executive session.

The Brookings District is thankful for the strong interest in the superintendent opening and the willingness of the around 40 committee members to participate in the process.

So, it appears we will know more next week.

13 thoughts on “Brookings School District holding list of Superintendent Applicants as confidential.”

    1. Cliff, secrecy is the only way to prevent one’s current employer from learning you are looking to change jobs. Intelligent professionals all know this.
      The interview plans will give the batshit crazies more to complain about: who are the members of the community and parent groups and how were they selected? Were they selected according to religious affiliation and vaccination status?

      1. Anonymous at 11:03…

        Yes, usually interviewees’ names are not released. At issue is, the board did in fact reveal those names previously. To conduct the search differently this go-around — and not explain why — does not help the board’s credibility.

      2. ADD’L COMMENT to Anonymous at 11:03…

        Too bad you make zero attempt to understand why other school district patrons don’t share your worldview. Your contempt for “the batshit crazies” is more than matched by their dismay for business as usual by intelligent professionals like yourself. Now you best be getting along. You wouldn’t want to be late for your doctor’s appointment for the arm you sprained patting yourself on the back so often.

  1. Fair to assume the SDSU SA president is not a candidate. Guessing the Mayor of Baltic also not in the running.

    1. ~ Guessing the Mayor of Baltic also not in the running. ~

      I am quite sure the Mayor could have done a better job than the last Superintendent.

  2. I cant wait to watch the youtube video of the next school board meeting.
    How did Mr Powers find out about the search process, and the number of candidates under consideration? Is he receiving covert intel from demonic forces? Who is on the committees which will conduct the interviews? Are they untainted, or corrupted with vaccines which have stolen their souls?
    And will the entire school board do the right thing and resign?

    1. I really hope this is satire, because if it isn’t – damn… How do you sleep at night?

      1. actually it is based on public comments made at Brookings school board meetings, which you can watch on youtube. They are as funny as anything I ever seen on Southpark.

  3. I believe he found out the way we all did – in the Brookings Register for those of you who can read.

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