Can I get that certificate of election with the solar system on the back of it?

After the pile of postcards and invoices I needed to be reimbursed for were spilling off my desk today, I cleaned up and submitted, and dug out.. and I came across my certificate of election for Precinct Committeeman from the June Primary:

Apparently the Brookings County Auditor laminated it. I mean, it’s a nice gesture, but it’s heavy duty lamination, like a 3 year old’s place mat. This thing will outlast my future grandchildren.

So, I can use it to prove my claim to the office, and to help keep my desk clean when I’m eating lunch at my computer.

Next election, I’m wondering if I can get my certificate of election with the solar system on the other side?



2 thoughts on “Can I get that certificate of election with the solar system on the back of it?”

  1. When grudznick saw your photograph picture, Mr. PP, I thought you had laminated that fancy diploma yourownself. I am glad you did not, but it begs the question of expenses of the party. Is not the GOP going broke due the insaner people driving down the donations?

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