There’s still advertising space available at!

Well, darn it. My new advertiser for the second spot from the top that was set to start yesterday had a hiccup at the last moment. It happens, but that’s life.

And it’s a good time to remind people that yes, we do love our advertisers, and why Dakotawarcollege is a great place to get your message in front of South Dakota’s decision makers and opinion leaders.

If someone is making laws or promoting legislation, they’re stopping here to check South Dakota’s political climate. South Dakota War College provides candidates, companies, and organizations a unique opportunity to direct a targeted message at South Dakota’s politically active elected officials, and community opinion leaders.

Founded in 2005, ‘dakotawarcollege’ quickly rose through the ranks of other politically driven social media in South Dakota to become the most widely read, and continuously updated independently operated political website in the state.  We’ve been featured in the media for our coverage, we’ve been quoted by C-Span, and we’ve been consistently and continuously recognized for several years by the Washington Post as one of South Dakota’s top political websites.

Our non-campaign season traffic averages 2500-3000 unique individual visits daily, with read times averaging around 14 minutes. At times of flurried activity, the SDWC has reached as high as 8900 unique visits. Since around 2007, the SDWC runs an average of 1- 1.5 Million page hits a year.

For advertising, we offer 300×350 px banner spots in the main advertising section based on page placement. We also offer space for smaller advertisements on the left. All ads are through site, maintain their position, and are not rotated based on site depth.

For more information on advertising opportunities, contact the webmaster at

Welcome NEWSMAX to the list of sponsoring advertisers

If you noticed a couple of additions to the right hand column, yes, the on-line equivalent to the conservative cable news channel NEWSMAX is now a sponsoring advertiser here at the SDWC.

Please take a few minutes to click on their links, and show support.

Don’t forget to do the same for South Dakota’s Senior US Senator John ThuneAmericans for Prosperity – South Dakota, Our Congresswoman Kristi Noem, Mayor Sam Kooiker and Rushmore PAC.

And as always, we have space for advertising available for interested parties. Locking in space now gives groups or individuals first dibs on the advertising space & placement through the 2016 election and beyond. Contact me for details.

Please patronize our advertisers! Advertising spots available as well.

Please welcome our newest sponsoring advertiser, the Sam Kooiker for Mayor Campaign, who has an ad at the SDWC through June for the Rapid City Municipal Election. Please take a moment, click on his ad, and find out what his campaign is all about.

Sam Kooiker for Rapid City Mayor


And while you’re at it, make a point to visit all of our advertisers; Senator John Thune, Americans for Prosperity, Congresswoman Kristi Noem, and Rushmore PAC.

John Thune



Kristi Noem: Enough is Enough


Rushmore PAC


And, if you’re looking to reach an audience that is among the most public affairs minded and politically engaged in the state, the SDWC has a couple of rare top level openings in it’s advertising line-up, including the top position. Once these top level spots are filled, that’s it, and they may be locked up through the election.

Advertising on the website is based on a first come, first serve basis for the available positions.  Advertising slots are 300×200 pixel ads, which may scale slightly depending on WordPress theme, and may be either static image, animated .gif, or flash file, as long as the file size is within acceptable file parameters, does not impede the loading of the website, or interfere with existing code.

Our non-campaign season traffic averages 1000-1500 unique individual visits daily.  At times of flurried activity, the SDWC has reached as high as 6900 unique visits in a day (And that’s visits, not hits).

Information on ad prices, ad positions, and required ad commitments may be directed to the webmaster by clicking here.

And while I’m on the subject, whether your business is politics or retail, organizational or service, if you find yourself in need of high quality print materials such as business cards, postcards, or brochures, collateral items such as signs, banners, pens, or pins, or anything that helps you promote your business – give me a call for a quote today.

cropped-patpowersprintingand-designI’ve done some business printing over the past couple of years, and I’m working on expanding that base, since printing a postcard for a business is no different than printing one for a candidate. And gosh darn it, my prices sometimes come up in the neighborhood of 1/3 to 1/2 of many commercial printers.

So, if you find yourself needing high quality full-color business cards, post cards, brochures, car magnets, banners, full color yard signs, etc. drop me a note today.

New SDWC Advertisers! Welcome Rushmore PAC & Americans for Prosperity SD

300x200-SD-Obama-google-adsHuge welcome today to our newest advertiser, Americans for Prosperity – South Dakota!

You’ll note that their current effort being advertised here is to communicate to President Obama that it’s time to pass the Keystone XL pipeline.

Please take a moment to click on their link, and find out what they have to say.rushmorepac_ad

And in case you hadn’t noticed it, we’re also joined in the advertising rolls by long-time SDWC friend Rushmore PAC.

Rushmore PAC has been going for the last 2-3 election cycles, and has done quite a bit in working to get Republicans elected to office at the state and federal level.

Give them a click, read what they have to say, and drop them a little coin if you want to continue their mission of getting Republicans elected to office.

They join US Senator John Thune and Congresswoman Kristi Noem in supporting South Dakota’s #1 political web site, and helping us to keep the lights on.

Have you thought about putting your message in front of state legislators and opinion leaders? is the place to do it.

Entering it’s 10th year of being on the Internet, has consistently delivered on insightful discussion and South Dakota political news delivered to state residents and a national audience from a South Dakota based website. For several years, we’ve also been recognized as one of the state’s top political blogs by the Washington Post. SDWC authors have been quoted by CSpan, NPR’s All Things Considered, the New York Times, and other nationally recognized publications. We strive to bring coverage from Pierre to Washington, and from the floor of the state GOP Convention to the floor of the national GOP Convention.

We consistently generate well over 1.5 million page views yearly and we’re engaged with South Dakota’s political and opinion leaders.

Are you thinking of advertising? We have a few select spots left through the 2016 election. Contact the webmaster today for more information on advertising.