Ignore the critics. Go see Batman V Superman.

I had a friend tell me some of the critics hated the new Superman Movie.

Ignore them.  They know not what they say.

Seriously. I took three of my kids to the movie, and I was glued to my seat. Far, far better than the last Avengers movie.

And despite earlier groaning and apprehension, Ben Affleck was a pretty darned good Batman.  And my girls (College and High School) were positively giddy with Wonder Woman, and the anticipation of the WW movie, which was teased.

Sure, there was an abundance of special effects, but what are you looking for – Downton Abbey?  It was big, loud, and an excellent set up for the Justice League movie.  I already want to buy the DVD (which will probably be out in a month, the way things go anymore) with all the extras they’re saying will be there.

I give it a B+. Well worth your entertainment dollar.

Is it a little early for Stace Nelson to be running scared in D19 State Senate?

Former State Rep, former Senate candidate Stace Nelson

Am I the only one left scratching their head at the tenor of the attacks being leveled at D19 State Senate Candidate Caleb Finck by Stace Nelson, who declared his candidacy for the same office over at Liberal Democrat website Dakota Free Press today?

Ever since Caleb threw his hat in the ring, it seems as if we’ve turned back the clock, and we’re re-running the kind of attacks we saw from Nelson when it was down to the wire in the US Senate Race. (I almost expect Gordon Howie to step in and announce he’s running as an independent at this point).

Anonymous things being posted under the comments here on my website, and the same things being mysteriously submitted to the liberal Democrats who are happy to run it.  Very reminiscent of when Nelson was witnessed taking pictures of Jason Ravnsborg’s vehicle, and the photos ‘mysteriously’ appeared on a web site ran by his liberal Democrat friend Cory Heidelberger.

Fast forwarding to today, as Nelson launched into several attacks on Finck, and vowed to go after him in the election. That seems to be quite the virulent reaction to someone he derisively tries to dismiss as “inexperienced college student living a protected life” and a “young live-at-home college student.” As well as things less kind. It seems to be a bit of an extreme reaction to a new candidate for even Stace Nelson.

And that has me wondering out loud if it’s more of a case of Nelson running scared in the D19 State Senate race?

The reality is that another loss could put the boastful and ambitious Nelson out for the count. He wants to run for higher office, and didn’t do so well at his last outing.

As he tries to make a comeback, Stace should not kid himself. He has heavy baggage, and a lot of it.

Just in the past few years, he’s been accused of threatening other legislators, was kicked out of caucus, was at risk of censure, had his seat moved, was noted by the media as hiding in the bathroom during a vote he was trying to avoid, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the robocall attacks against Republican Leadership, and is still a defendant in a pending federal lawsuit over the illegally placed calls.

(Did I miss anything?)

Not to mention his conduct during the entirety of the 2014 US Senate primary, where if you weren’t with him, you were treated as his mortal enemy.   Not exactly behavior traits that help you win allies and sway your colleagues, something you’re required to do to get legislation supported and passed.

And it showed in 2014, as his legislative record took an absolute beating, as the legislature killed all of the House bills he was prime sponsor of, and they whacked several of his resolutions, which typically are viewed as merely ceremonial.

Now, two years later, Nelson is looking to reignite his fizzled political career by coming back to Pierre.

Caleb Finck, the future State Senator for D19?

The only obstacle barring his ability to wage the same kind of war in the Senate as he did the House of Representatives is Caleb Finck. By all accounts, Caleb Finck is considered an intelligent, fresh-faced, sharp young man coming back to the farm to work after college, unlike many of his contemporaries.

That’s not something Nelson necessarily has had to face in recent years. Which might explain his animus and attacks, both overt and those that are popping up “anonymously.“

A fresh faced candidate who hasn’t attacked anyone, and is simply looking to build relationships with the people of District 19, and promote its growth, with no axe to grind?

Maybe there’s good reason for Nelson to be scared.

MC is in the District 9 House race, and raising money!

Long-time SDWC Contributor Mike Clark has set up a Go Fund me page in support of his race for District 9 House:


I believe that common sense, is common. People know what they want and are conscious of the changes that are needed in politics. Together we will bring “Under God, the People Rule” back into South Dakota politics

Please, don’t stay on the sidelines of politics. Tuning out is saying that you are happy with the way things are going presently. I know that you actually DO care! So please, make a donation now.

What We Need

Most people work hard for what they earn, and asking them to give up some of that money is hard when I would rather they keep more of what they earn.

However, political funding is a sad reality to face and I need your help! I’m asking for $10,000.00 which will be used for internet, print, and radio advertising. If I do not reach my entire goal, the funds received will be used on exactly the same purpose.

Give Mike some love from the readers of Dakota War College, and help out with his campaign today!

Have you filled out your “Bankruptcy Bracket” yet?

Kristi Noem is asking her followers on social media to fill out their “Bankruptcy Brackets,” so they know what they’re in for if either Hillary or Bernie get into office!
Kristi for CongressBoth Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have impressive plans…to bankrupt our nation.

If either one of them wins the White House, you will lose. Period.

That is why — in the spirit of the Sweet 16 — I’ve launched my Bankruptcy Bracket to vote on which of their ideas would be most harmful to our nation.

Take a moment to fill out a bracket now and share your thoughts on who has the more dangerous policy ideas.

Complete Your Bracket!Will Hillary’s $735+ billion in new spending win the bracket? Or, will Bernie’s $19.6 trillion in new taxes be the Cinderella story this year?

Fill out my Bankruptcy Bracket today and let’s end the liberal tax and spend madness!

– Kristi

Paid for by Kristi for Congress

PO Box 852 – Sioux Falls, SD 57101

Attorney General Jackley Vows to Work with Republican and Democrat Legislators to Strengthen Conflict of Interest Laws

jackleyheader2 Marty JackleyAttorney General Jackley Vows to Work with Republican and Democrat Legislators to Strengthen Conflict of Interest Laws

PIERRE, S.D. – On March 16, 2016, Attorney General Marty Jackley announced the filing of criminal charges on three individuals associated with grant monies involving the Gear Up Program. All three individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty. In response to public questioning at the announcement, Attorney General Jackley indicated that no criminal conflict laws exist for the conduct at issue, but vowed to work with Republican and Democrat legislators to strengthen our conflict laws in South Dakota.  This included legislators present at the announcement.

On March 23, 2016, the South Dakota Democratic Party issued a release regarding public corruption in which the Attorney General has the following response:

“I agree with the Democratic party leaders that government corruption is too important to play politics with, and I vow to work with Republican and Democrat legislators that want to strengthen and improve our conflict laws to better protect taxpayer monies. Although as Attorney General my primary responsibility is to enforce the laws that are passed by the legislature, it is my desire to work with legislators in strengthening our laws. This includes addressing direct conflicts of interest, reporting the discovery of fraud and criminal conflict violations to the Attorney General, and an enforcement measure greater than a misdemeanor for both a deterrent value and for prosecutors to address inappropriate conduct,” said Attorney General Jackley.


Gov. Daugaard To Appoint Pam Roberts To Board Of Regents


Gov. Daugaard To Appoint Pam Roberts To Board Of Regents

pam robertsPIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard announced today that he will appoint Pamela S. Roberts, of Pierre, to the South Dakota Board of Regents.

“Pam Roberts is a strong leader with a reputation for sound management,” said Gov. Daugaard. “She will be an excellent leader in our university system and I thank her for taking on this role.”

Roberts retired in 2013 after a career in senior leadership roles, including Secretary of Labor, Commissioner of Personnel, and Chief of Operations, in the administrations of governors Janklow, Mickelson, Miller, Rounds and Daugaard. She is a 1977 graduate of South Dakota State University.

Roberts and her husband, Clay, operate their family’s ranch in Stanley and Lyman counties.  She is currently in the final year of a two-year term as chair of the South Dakota Republican Party.

“It’s a great honor to be appointed by Gov. Daugaard,” said Roberts. “A well educated workforce in South Dakota is vital to the development of our communities and their economies. I look forward to joining the Board and helping to continue their record of academic quality and student success.”

Roberts’ appointment is effective April 4. She will succeed Regent Terry Baloun of Sioux Falls, who is retiring from the board after completing two six-year terms.


Paula Hawks’ bizarre USD appearance.

Especially for politics, I think the #1 rule of public speaking is know your audience.  And in the matter of Paula Hawks’ recent speech to USD Students, I’m not sure she was there:

One of Hawks’ main points was that she would fight to give women reproductive rights and keep the government out of the bedroom and out of the doctor’s office.

Hawks was critical of the Republican opposition, which often fights against big government.


The small crowd was engaged with Hawks throughout the evening, but her use of the phrase “All Lives Matter” elicited groans from the audience.

One of those people annoyed was senior Mason Calhoun.

“The whole mantra of ‘All Lives Matter’ is really just to me a way to silence the concerns of groups like Black Lives Matter,” Calhoun said.


“Personally she lost me a little bit on the All Lives Matter thing, but just about everything else she said I pretty strongly agree with.”

Read it here.

I really can’t say I’ve ever heard South Dakota audiences who have assembled being overly concerned about hashtags declaring whose lives matter. But, it’s always good to hear when an audience groans at Democrats.

Former Sioux Falls Mayor Gary Hanson supporting candidate for Sioux Falls City Council, Dr. Tamera Enalls-Fenner

The April City Council & School races are heading towards a critical mass, where people are lining up behind their candidates.

Recently in the Sioux Falls City Council, outgoing councilman Kermit Staggers has publicly thrown his support behind Theresa Stehly to serve as his replacement for at-large council member.

Perhaps more quietly, but much more importantly, current Public Utilities Commission member and former Sioux Falls Mayor Gary Hanson has chosen to lend his support to a candidate himself, Dr. Tamera Enalls-Fenner, who is a first-time candidate for public office.

As appears on her facebook page and her website:

Gary Hanson

I met a terrific gal last month who is intelligent, personable, sensible, and courageous so I volunteered to help her with her campaign for Sioux Falls City Council.Dr. Tamera Enalls-Fenner has the background and backbone that we need in government.

I hope you will join me in supporting Tamera for City Council.

Dr. Tamera Enalls-Fenner

During the many years I have served in office, including as Mayor of Sioux Falls, I have met few people who I believe have the ability to articulate a message that will transcend multiple boundaries, bring our citizens together and help end the disgusting prevalent discourse of national polarization and animosity. Tamera is the full package. She is also focused on; health and safety of our city, preventing crime, decreasing the challenges of transportation, disrepair of streets, easing the burden of city and state regulations, and strengthening our region’s economy.

We all want good government and occasionally we are disappointed with the results of an election. However, our government is only as good as the people we elect. Help elect a really great person to the City Council. Tamera is running for the NE District Council Seat but she will be making decisions affecting the entire city. Let’s make an investment in the quality of our government that will provide a long term return.

Gary Hanson

Hanson is arguably the highest level “get” for any of the Sioux Falls City Council candidates to date, and in a few weeks, we’ll get to see how that plays out for this up and coming candidate.

Glad to see I could help the Argus today.

I had to laugh as I was reading the Argus this AM, as it sure appears that not just one, but two stories today were inspired by what I’d written yesterday.

First, was what I’d excerpted from Bob Mercer on the Jackley/Mickelson fued, and what I’d noted on Mickelson probably commenting further on the issue that afternoon, as well as at the 4/1 Lincoln Day Dinner here in Brookings. .


And what did we end up with in the Argus?


Yep.  And it wasn’t just that story. Later in the day, I’d sent a note to Al Novstrup, because I know what a big open government guy he is, and asked him about the teacher record story the Argus was running..


I think it took them all of ten minutes to get in touch of him after I’d posted my story…


Of course, no mention that his comments first appeared on my website, which is par for the course at the Argus.

If they’re going to be basing so much content off of what appears here, I’d suggest that Gannett put me on the payroll. But then again, I know what reporters make, and I’d be guessing that it would be a pay cut.

Regardless – that’s the advantage of reading the SDWC. You know you’re getting the good stuff here!